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Hello GB Community, First of all, Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all who celebrate these two holidays. I wish you all a wonderful spring and much happiness as we start to spend more time outside. I love spring and all that it stands for: growth, renewal, light, sounds, and beauty. One of my favorite spring smells is Sweet Broom and it has been in bloom for a couple of weeks now. Our neighbors have it growing along a shared fence and I just stand there and enjoy all that it has to offer. I encourage you to bring your children outside and talk about what they notice during this wonderful season. Speaking of spring-starting April 9th is our Spring Break. Enjoy! When we return several things will happen and you will receive more information on all of them but keep in mind the following: PTA Meeting: Guest speaker, Arber T, will join us briefly to talk about a research project he his working on with Carol Dweck out of Stanford and how GB can help. We will also have student presentation. Lockdown/Parent Reunification Drill: This drill will take place on Tuesday, April 24thvery close to dismissal time and will involve the parents as we need to practice reunifying parents and students. More to details to come under a separate email. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP): This state assessment is for 3rd – 6th graders only and will begin at the end of April. Specific dates of when your child’s grade level will test will come out, as we get closer to the date. Happy Spring! Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal |
3/9/25 8:25 AM