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May 06, 2018

Hello Gardner Families,

I am very excited to celebrate and honor our entire staff this week.  With much respect, I thank each of our teachers and staff members for all they do to serve Gardner’s students.  Our vision statement says that we are here to “empower all students to become leaders of tomorrow,” and I see that in action every day.  I know the PTA – and in particular, Gilda Foss and Helene Karlsson-have been working hard on preparing an amazing appreciation week and in advance, I thank you.  Speaking of the PTA, here is a message from the National PTA on, “Why Teachers Deserve Our Praise and Support.”

Friday, May 11th

This is a big day for us!  First, our Spring Music Concert starts at 1:00 pm and I cannot wait to hear how much learning has taken place in the musical world of Gardner!  The music teachers have worked hard and their efforts always pay off.  Second, right after the spring concert, we will continue with dance music in celebration of our recent award.  Please join us for dancing, cookies, and lemon-aid at 2:00 pm.

(Please note: Students who leave before dismissal with their families will need to sign out first with their teacher.)


State assessments for 3rd-6th grade continue this week.  Again, please be mindful of ensuring students receive enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast. 

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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