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June 03, 2018

Hello GB Parents and Community,

Wow!  We just had two incredible days back-to-back!  First of all, our talent show was magical!  I am so impressed with our talented students and how devoted they are to their craft whether that is singing, dancing, gymnastics, twisting balloons, playing an instrument, or using comedy to make us laugh.  They were all so poised and perfect.  A huge shout out goes to Mrs. Loebner and Mrs. Fanter.  Thank you both for all of the extra hours and thoughtfulness you put into making the show possible.  Also, thank you to all of the staff and parents who participated in so many ways leading up to the night or during the production itself.  We could not have done it without you!  

Secondly, our Field Day was out of this world and crazy-fun for all involved!  Amanda Boschken has worked very hard over the last 8 years creating a Field Day that is pretty special to GB and not like anything else around.  For weeks leading up to Friday-Amanda and Dee Suppes worked tirelessly and from their heart in order to make this day happen for us to enjoy. I don’t know how we can thank them enough for the hours and hours of time and devotion to our community.  A shout out and thank you also goes to Dan Bruckner and Mr. Ortman- who also had a role in making Field Day come to life.  We all appreciate Dan Bruckner and his team who will be taking over Field Day next year and look forward to what’s to come. 

Welcome to Gardner Bullis!

It is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Schreiner.  He will be our 6th grade teacher next year and we could not be more excited to welcome him into the folds of our community.  Below is his bio for you to enjoy: 

I am very excited to join the fantastic team of dedicated teachers at Gardner Bullis in the fall!  Here’s a little about my background and educational philosophy. I grew up in the sleepy beach town of Cambria, California, attended SDSU for my undergraduate studies, and received my teaching credential and Master of Education at National University. I spent the majority of my career teaching 6th grade in San Jose.  The 2018-19 school year will mark my fifth year teaching sixth grade for LASD and my twentieth year in the classroom. 

I am a classically trained trumpet player, having studied under Elizabeth Smith of San Luis Obispo, and won the John Philip Sousa Band Award® for superior musicianship and outstanding dedication. I also play other brass instruments as well as piano and drums. It’s my belief that integrating music into the curriculum is an effective means of building curiosity, sparking the imagination, and developing language and reasoning skills. 

In 2011 my first novel in the Search a Darker Sky trilogy was published, and the prequel is in prepublication.  I have visited schools throughout California, speaking to students about the importance of reading and sharing advice on topics such as creating realistic fictional characters, developing a unique narrative writing style, and successfully planning the framework of a storyline. 

During my time in the classroom, I have come to believe that children who are invested and involved in their own learning, take personal responsibility for tracking their progress, and invest in the ownership of their environment will aspire to even greater things throughout their lives.  With the advent of technology, teachers are no longer indispensable providers of information, but rather, guides who can assist young learners in understanding and interpreting the complex array of issues and information available in the world today.  It is my intention to help students learn how to think critically. 

It is a privilege to join the Gardner Bullis community and I look forward to meeting parents and students soon!

Devik Schreiner, M.Ed.


We are saying goodbye to some board members but welcoming others, and some board members are staying on the board under new roles.  Each and every board member deserves our gratitude to the fullest extent.  Thank you all for volunteering in such a service -orientated way that has everything to do with what is best our students!  

Happy Summer!

I wish you all a joyful and peaceful summer.  The 2017-18 school year is coming to a close but the memories of the year will live in our hearts forever.  I am thankful and humbled to serve in this community and could not ask for anything more.  Spending my days as Gardner’s principal brings me more professional and personal satisfaction than I can express.  I thank you for your continued partnership and patience as we continue together down the path of supporting all students at Gardner Bullis.

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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