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Hello Gardner Community,
It was an excellent first week and I enjoyed every minute! I have to say, the students have all grown quite a bit over the summer and the new kindergartners are just as cute as ever! It was good to have them all back with us ready to learn!
Back to School (Notice new date!)
The teachers and I look forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday, August 28thfor our annual Back-to-School Night (1st-6th-grade families), and Thursday, August 30th for our annual Kindergarten Back-to-School Morning.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28th: (1st-6th grade)
•6:00 - 6:45 pm: 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade presentations (classrooms)
•6:50 -7:10 pm: Principal/PTA/LAEF presentation (multi-purpose room)
•7:15 - 8:00 pm: 4th grade (classrooms), 5th (Staff Lounge), 6th-grade (STEM)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th: (Kindergarten)
8:30-9:15 am: Kindergarten classrooms/staff lounge
Please Note: There will be a minimum day on Friday, August 31st and NO School on Monday, September 3rd. Pick up: Kinders at noon and 1st – 6th at 12:15.
Lost and Found
We still have a few items of importance in our lost and found in the office. If your child is missing their glasses-for instance-you may want to stop by the office. A red-framed pair was found Friday afternoon.
Spirit Day Fridays
I am so excited about our spirit day Fridays! Thank you to our clever PTA for coming up with this idea as a way to build community and school spirit. Every Friday -- let’s all wear are Gardner Wear!
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
Follow me @GardnerGrizzly
3/9/25 7:41 AM