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September 03, 2018

Hello Gardner Community,

Back-to-School Night was a huge success!  Thank you to the staff and parents who participated and helped prepare for the evening. Kindergarten morning was also a huge success!  It always feels like the “beginning of the school year” until BTS.  Now, it feels like we are well on our way. 

The school-wide character traits for the month of August and September are empathy/compassion AND giving back.   As the staff, we will consider each monthly character trait in a way that promotes self-care for the students, but also for ourselves.  In a world that is go-Go-GO, it is good to hit the pause button every once in a while to reflect and refresh.   For example, this month the staff and I are diving into what it means to have self-compassion.  I have room for improvement in this area and by being more compassionate to myself, I believe it will help me to be more compassionate to others. 

A few self-compassionate affirmations we like are 1) I accept myself as I am, 2) I allow myself to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes, and 3) today, I will treat myself with kindness.    


In case you missed it at BTS Night/Morning, we are continuing with our afternoon staggered approach to the pick-up area.  This will help relieve congestion on Fremont.  Parents, please be mindful of safety by using the crosswalk when entering or exiting the parking lot and by picking students up only at the yellow curb.  I thank you in advance for your cooperation. 


Parents and guardians, please remember when you come on to campus to volunteer, you must sign-in at the office and pick up a volunteer badge first.  If you need to bring an item for your student, you may drop it off at the office and we will be happy to deliver it for you.   Thank you for following our safety protocols and ensure an academic environment. I look forward to spending some time with our new families on Friday morning in the multi right after drop off and seeing EVERYONE at our 10-year anniversary celebration on Saturday (11:00-3:00) here at GB!  

Have a wonderful family-filled Labor Day holiday tomorrow,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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