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November 12, 2018

Hello Gardner Bullis,

I wish you all a fantastic 3-day weekend and a special thank you to all of our Veterans.  My family has Veterans in every generation going back to WWII.  I currently have good friends with sons in the service and I know the sacrifices those who serve make each and every day.  Monday is a good day to be thankful and remember those who serve on our behalf. 

AMC 8 Students!

I will see you bright and early Tuesday morning:  7:30 AM STEM LAB!  You can do this and I am proud of each of you and the fact that you are signed up willing to try! 

In Support of World Diabetes Day:

Wear BLUE with us on Wednesday, November 14th and help our community raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes!!

Friday’s Coffee with the Principal

On Friday, I spoke about the social-emotional learning (SEL) that takes place on GB’s campus every day.  The staff and I are passionate about incorporating SEL into our daily routines at Gardner that helps students to navigate through their day.  Below are the 5 social-emotional competencies and some of the ways we fulfill those areas of need. Many of the GB activities listed below actually touch on more than one competency and each of the 5 competencies can be found within Project Cornerstones Developmental Assets. For more information about SEL and the 5 competencies visit their website here. 


  • Project Cornerstone
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Zen Den
  • Growth Mindset
  • CHAC


  • Think Sheets
  • Mindfulness
  • Cool Down Corner

Social Awareness

  • Sparks
  • Morning Meetings
  • Character Traits
  • Community Outreach
  • Grizzly Greatness

Relationship Skills

  • Grizzly Game Club
  • Cross Grade-Level Buddies
  • Role Playing Expected Behaviors
  • Academic Social Language
  • Peace Path

Responsible Decision-Making

  • Goal Setting
  • Student Leadership
  • Friday Assembly
  • Positive Behavior Matrix

November and December’s Character Trait

For the next two months, we will focus on the character trait of Building Community (and Giving Back): “making your school, community, and the world a better place by volunteering and helping others in the school and community.” Second Harvest Barrels have been delivered so that we can once again donate dry foods and canned goods to those in need.  We will have the barrels through November 28th and this year our goal is to collect over 200 lbs. of food!  Last year, this food drive was very successful.  Please look for the barrels throughout the school campus to drop your donations off.  The staff and students thank you in advance for supporting our cause. 

Also, stay tuned for information on how we will come together to help the fire victims in need.  Plans are in the works right now for us to take action and an email will be sent out separately letting you know what you and your child can do to help.  

Project Night-Night

In December, stay tuned for ways your child can participate in donating brand new stuffed animals, books, or stroller blankets for homeless children.  This give-back opportunity will be directly connected to our Book Fair this year and students will have the opportunity to physically help us prepare each gift during our Book Fair Night! 

Parking Lot Safety

It has been brought to my attention that some drivers are picking up and/or dropping off students on the inside lane that runs parallel to the school and bear statute.  This inside lane is only for cars exiting the parking lot and is not a safe spot for students.  Also, cars should not be driving down the middle lane to cut in front of cars who are in line for drop off or pick up.  The parking spaces in the middle lane are for staff, accessible parking, and auction winners only, which should limit the number of cars needing to use this lane.  Safety is always my biggest concern so I appreciate your partnership.

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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