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December 16, 2018

Hello GB Families,


This past Thursday evening, we had two very exciting events rolled into one.  First, our Coco and Pajama Book Fair Night was fantastic and such a magical place for our Grizzlies.  Laura S, Annie S, and Kater C. worked tirelessly to create not only the evening event but a week-long Book Fair for students to enjoy in the mornings and at lunch.  On behalf of our entire community, we thank you! Second, our service night was a huge success.  With Ali G’s passion and direction, community support, & student muscle, we were able to fill 100 individual bags with a brand-new blanket, stuffed animal, and book.  They have been donated to Project Night Night and Bay Area children in need. Thank you to everyone who supported this give-back project.  


December STEM Challenge

Do not forget that our exciting December STEM Challenge is this Thursday, December 20th during lunch.  The task calls for students to creatively build a launcher that will launch “snowballs” (whiffle balls) towards the Grinch.  The challenge activity will take place Thursday during lunch.


This will be the last Bear Track until we return in January 2019.  Thank you to Kristy R who works so hard every week to help put the weekly Bear Tracks together.  I appreciate all that she does to keep our community informed. 


The last day of school before the winter break is Friday, December 21st.  School resumes on Monday, January 7th.  The staff and I would like to take this time to express our gratitude for all of our Gardner families and we wish each of you a bucket-filling holiday break.  Eat joyfully, visit loved ones loudly, and rest lazily winter-grizzly style.  We look forward to seeing all of you throughout this week and again on January 7th

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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