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Hello Gardner Bullis!
Over the last few weeks, I have been excited to meet our new and incoming families. We have students across grade levels joining GB both this school year and next and it is wonderful to welcome them. I have had the opportunity to give several new families a tour of our campus and talked their ears off about how proud I am of our community and school. PTA parents have been a huge help in welcoming them as well. Some of the families joined us right away…so if you see a new face on campus please stop and introduce yourself…and some families will be joining us next school year.
One of our PTA moms joined me last week to introduce our school to a family that would like to join us next year, and like me, she found herself wanting to share so much about GB. She could not say enough about the rigorous and supportive learning, school spirit, caring community, and most fantastic staff. We have a lot to be proud of here on our neighborhood school campus. If you know of a family that would like more information about our school, please let me know. I am more than happy to talk to them and show them a glimpse of what we do.
Black History Month
Thank you to Camilla G and Lisa F who continue to make an amazing photograph arrangement in the library to honor and celebrate multiple important historical and contemporary figures in our country. As well, Mrs. DeRego connects her library display of books to these figures so our students can easily pick up a book to learn about people such as: Dr. Martin Lurther King, Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, Fredrick Douglas, Henry Lewis Gates Jr., Barak Obama, Mahershala Ali, Maya Angelou, Muhammad Ali, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Oprah Winfrey, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Stephen Curry, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Camilla and Lisa have also connected this displayed to this month’s character trait: RESPECT. J Thank You, Ladies!
LASD Survey
Los Altos School District is asking for staff, family and student input in our first annual communication survey. Please visit https://
The survey results will help guide our efforts to improve communication practices and ensure everyone has the information they need to help our students succeed. The survey also provides you with an opportunity to share what you value most about our schools and where you see opportunities to improve.
Thank you for lending your voice and opinions to this effort as we partner with you to provide an excellent education to all of our students.
Have a happy week ahead and a safe and fun-packed winter break! We will return with Bear Tracks on Sunday, February 24th.
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 8:00 AM