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May 06, 2019

Please join me in congratulating Gardner’s Support Staff of the Year: Mrs. Cathy Voelker!  Nominated and honored by her peers, Mrs. Voelker is recognized for her ability to manage our school office and support e v e r y…BODY!  We value all that she does and could not do what we do without her.  Thank you for all that you do for GB, Cathy!  

Staff Appreciation Week

As we enter into a week-long celebration of appreciating our staff, let me start by thanking each and every one of our employees for their dedication and commitment to Gardner Bullis. From the front of the school to the back of the school- and everywhere in between-we have over 40 heartbeats that help make this school tick.  I am very honored and proud to stand alongside them and serve our students.  Here’s to GB!


I am happy to report that our first week of state testing was very successful. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in preparing students to do their best throughout the week and also for respecting that our campus is a testing environment. Please be mindful that we continue testing for the next two weeks.  You may want to check with your child’s individual schedule to know exactly which days are crucial.   

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast!

Calling all parents, grandparents, and caregivers who have given their time and energy to our school and community this year! The staff and I would like to honor you with our traditional breakfast celebration in the multi on Thursday, May 30th from 8:00 -9:00 am.  Please mark your calendar now but be on the lookout for more information to come. 

Weeds at GB

Earlier this year we abandoned the use of Round Up as an herbicide.  Instead, we are now using a foam-based product which essentially uses hot water to kill weeds. For more information, please click here.  

Warm Weather Clothes

As the weather warms up, I would like us to be mindful of a few things.  Layers are always best especially since the mornings are still chilly but the afternoons really heat up.  By lunchtime, long sleeve shirts are starting to feel too hot for students.  Open toe sandals or flip-flops are not safe for toes or helpful when running or participating in PE.  Please make sure all students wear shoes that cover the feet.  Shorts and skirts should be at a length that allows students to run and jump around freely and comfortably.  A good rule of thumb is to use the hanging arm fingertip as a length monitor.  If you have any questions, please give the office a call. 

I wish everyone a happy week. 

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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