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June 09, 2019

Hello Gardner Bullis Community,

Our Friday Field Day was a total BLAST and a rainbow of colors as the children participate in all of those field activities.  So many parents mentioned to me that Field Day is their child’s favorite day of the year or that the family counts down to Field Day and NOT the last day of school. J  Of course, it would not be possible without Steve L., Dan B, Sean W, and Mr. Ortman.  Those three dads and our very own PE teacher/Coach spent hours and hours of their own time making one of our community’s favorite days come alive!  Thank you very much to all of you. It really is an exciting way to end our school year.


Our talent show was Thursday evening and WOW! We truly have some incredibly talented, passionate, and courageous students.  Our multi was one giant community heart-beat as we cheered for every one of our superstars.  My bucket was overflowing and I was gushing all the way home.  Mrs. Loebner and Mrs. Fanter put their heart and soul into making sure it was the perfect evening for our students and I am personally so grateful to them.  Thank you, ladies!

Good-by and Hello

Sadly, we are saying good-bye to two staff members this year.  Tami Hansen, our speech pathologist, is retiring and Rachel Hertz, our kindergarten teacher, is moving to Oregon with her family.  We will miss them both but we will definitely stay in contact.  Please stop by the multi on Monday, June 10thstarting at 2:30 to wish them a farewell.  Refreshments will be provided by the PTA.


Please join me in officially welcoming Colleen Farley to our staff.  She will be our new kindergarten teacher and next year you will find her in room 5!  She is already a member of our community as she has been long-term subbing in our TLC room since early spring.  Here is what she has to say:

Hello! My name is Colleen Farley and I am thrilled to join the LASD community ofeducators in my 18th year of teaching! I received both my B.A. in U.S. History and a teaching credential from UCSD. After teaching for five years, I went on to earn a Masters in Education and reading specialist credential from Santa Clara University. Following my 12th year of teaching, I acquired my National Board Teaching certification in early childhood education. When I’m not working, I love spending time with my family, walking, biking, and reading. As a proud mom of an LASD student, I know the depth and dedication that all LASD school district personnel place on meeting the needs of all their learners. I simply cannot wait for the new school year to begin!

Please join me in also welcoming Carol Rossi! She will be transferring from Springer Elementary to fill the Speech Pathologist position and has been an LASD employee for quite some time.  We are very excited to welcome her and will be sending her bio out very soon.


Trimester 3 Report Cards 

This year will be emailed report cards home by Thursday, June 13. Please let the office know if you would like a hard copy of the report card sent to you.


Parent Survey

If you have not done so, please take the end-of-the-year parent survey generated by GB’s site council.  Your thoughts and voice are very important and each year the site council and staff use the survey results to continue making school-wide improvements.


It is the end of the school year and this is the last Bear Tracks until August. (By the way, thank you very much Kristy R. for helping and providing so much of Bear Tracks week-end and week-out.)  This school year flew by but I do know we are also very ready for a summer retreat.  Thank you, parents, for your partnership in supporting our students and your continuous generosity to everyone on this campus!  Thank you to all of the community-supported programs that make GB learning so unique such as LAEF’s Music, PE, and Art Docents and PTA’s Starting Arts and Living Classroom. Thank you to our one-of-a-kind best of the best staff.  Your passion and child-centered way of doing everything inspires me every day.  And last but not least, THANK YOU, students!  You are the beat of the heart and the reason.  I congratulate the promoting class of 2019 and wish you the best of everything as you move forward on your academic path.

Happy Summer!  My wish for you all is that you find yourself outside amongst the trees more than inside and that relaxation crawls up and engulfs you.

See you in August.

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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