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August 19, 2019

Hello Gardner Bullis Community,

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! I am busting at the seams waiting with anticipation to see our students again on Wednesday the 21st! Actually, we all are! I look forward to hearing about their stories of summer and measuring with my eyes how much they’ve grown. I also cannot wait to share with the students my own summer story of when “Goldilocks”-the local Brown Bear came onto the porch of a cabin my family was renting and gave our dog, Millie, a sight and a fright! My husband shooed it away with the garbage can lid...from the garbage we forgot to take out! ugh! A lesson learned and a mistake not repeated. I also look forward to meeting all of our new families K-6th. Welcome to Gardner Bullis, new families! We have new students in almost every grade level so GB community, if you see a new face, please stop and introduce yourselves and show them how "Grizzlies are Kind."

Getting Ready!

The staff and I have spent the last few weeks getting ready for what we know is going to be another student-focused year packed with rigorous-creative learning and personal growth for our Grizzlies! The staff has no doubt enjoyed their well-deserved rest and relaxation over the summer, but we have also been training, reading books, collaborating, redesigning, thinking outside of the box, and just getting ready to be educators again! We are all so excited to be a part of this fantastic community and want parents and students to start getting excited too!

New and Improved Bear Tracks

From now on, Bear Tracks will arrive in your inbox on Fridays with the same important content but with a new look. Please commit to reading Bear Tracks each week as it has very important information from the school, PTA, district office, and the community.

New Staff

As I mentioned in June, we have a few new faces on campus this year for you to familiarize yourself with and welcome to our school:

  • Colleen Farley: Kindergarten Teacher

  • Kathy Tompkins: Kindergarten Instructional Aide

  • Carol Rossi: Speech Pathologist

  • Kiana Aguilar: Instructional Aide

  • Queenie Ho: Instructional Aide

We also will have a few long-term subs on campus and a student-teacher that will be introduced in the near future.

Yard Duty Supervisors Needed!

If you are available to work 1 hour a day during lunch (M-F; 12:00-1:00), we are in need of a few yard duty supervisors. Your role would be to help supervise students during our lunch period. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in this paid position.

I do hope to see you all at our popcorn social sponsored by the PTA on Tuesday at 4:00. Students get to stop by to see old friends and find out WHO is in their class. Class lists will be posted outside of each classroom and some of our teachers may even be here to say “hello.”

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

Follow us @GardnerGrizzly

GB's Back-to-School Retreat!


GB's Back-to-School Retreat!

We always enjoy coming together before school starts. It was good to see (almost) everyone!

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