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October 27, 2019

Hello GB Community,

First and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Diwali with lots of cheer for your days to come. I wish for those who celebrate the Festival of Lights to have a magical time with family & friends and a weekend full of joyful eating. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate with you today at school. It was a wonderful day!



Today during lunch, we held our first Design Challenge! It was exciting, to say the least! Here was the challenge:

The safe and accurate delivery of life-sustaining supplies to disaster relief efforts or military supply locations is an unpredictable real-world design challenge. Using limited supplies and an egg to represent perishable supplies, students designed, created and tested their devices in an effort to investigate problems associated with supply delivery in remote regions. They mimic the process engineers use when designing devices for airdrop supplies.


Emergency Contacts

Have you completed or updated your emergency contacts for the 2019-20 school year? If not, please do so ASAP.


Multi-Lingual Charrette on October 29, 6-7:30 pm in the Santa Rita MPR

The link below is in Mandarin, Spanish, Russian and Japanese translations.



********* THIS WEEK'S SCHOOL NEWS ***************

Don't forget the Father Daughter Dance is TONIGHT!

Gardner Gives Back

Two Ways to Give Back on Halloween!


1. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

Use the orange box you received in your Thursday folder to collect coins from neighbors to donate to kids around the world.

UNICEF helps save and improve children's lives by providing health care, nutrition, safe water, education and more.



2. Treats for Troops

Donate your leftover candy and make cards to send to troops overseas.


Important Dates:

* Drop off your UNICEF boxes and candy before school on Friday 11/1 through Friday 11/8

* Help make cards during Lunch Recess on Friday 11/1 and Monday 11/4


For questions, please contact Ali Granbery and Jillian Draeger at


Vaping - MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

The Vaping Crisis: What Is It Doing to Our Kids?

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 - 7:00 - 9:00pm | LAHS Eagle Theatre | 201 Almond Ave., Los Altos, CA

Join us as Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University, discusses the harmful impacts vaping has on the minds and bodies of adolescents.



Dr. Halpern-Felsher will provide an overview of current tobacco/nicotine products, including vapes, Juuls and other pod-based systems, which are more commonly used among teens than combustible cigarettes. Drawing upon on-going research, Dr. Halpern-Felsher will address why adolescents are drawn to using these products, dispel common misperceptions held by both adults and teens, and share effective, evidence-based strategies that parents, caregivers, and teachers, can leverage to help prevent and reduce the use of these addictive products.

To register for this free event, go to

Sponsored by Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

********** YOUR WEEKLY REMINDERS ***********



BookQuest gives every Grizzly Student a chance to become a published writer!

publishing kits cost $25 and must be bought by Nov. 1, 2019.

Buy here:



For every kit purchased, $5 will go towards a cause to be determined by our Student Council.

Last year we raised $415 and the money was given to the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. The kits will be delivered to classrooms the week of Nov. 18, 2019. This is a take home project! Submit completed kits to the classroom by Jan. 24, 2020 and the books will get published in time to be displayed at the BookQuest Celebration, which will be on April 2, 2019 - International Children's Book Day. We will have a special guest author, prizes, and of course, our student authors will get to take their published books home!

Questions? Please email:

Project Cornerstone

Cornerstone Corner

K-2nd: The ABC book this month is Two, by Kathryn Otoshi. This is a story of two best friends, Two and One. Whenever they'd get the chance, they'd dance! She'd sing and snap. He'd tappity-tap. What a pair they made! At the end of each day, they'd always say, "ONE, TWO, I'll count on you, 'til the end, we'll be best friends." Until Three jumps in between them . . . Suddenly One only wants to play with Three. "ONE, THREE, odds we'll be!" they chant. Two feels left out. But what can she do? Two is a powerful story of friendship, loss, letting go, and self-discovery.

3rd-5th: The ABC book this month is My Secret Bully, by Trudy LudwigThis is the story of Monica and Katie, close friends since kindergarten. Monica loves being around Katie when she's nice, but there are times when Katie can be just plain mean. In the story, positive family relationships help Monica reclaim her power and positive sense of self.

The author describes Katie as a “secret bully”. She targets Monica with relational and social aggression. This form of bucket dipping can be hard for adults to spot. It occurs among friends (both boys and girls) who use their social power to manipulate, humiliate and exclude.

Continue this conversation at home!

  • Watch a video reading of My Secret Bully with your child:

  • Be a thoughtful listener.

  • Have a family discussion about friendships.

  • Share the qualities you look for in a friend.

  • Share your ideas for choosing friendships that make you feel good about you.

  • Ask:

What is a “Frien-emy” (a friend who is acting like an enemy)?

Who are caring adults in your world?

What is positive self-talk? Help your child identify their strengths!

  • Discuss concerns about peer relationships with your child’s teacher.

  • Help create a plan for safety and support at school as your child builds friendships with caring peers.

Big picture

Grizzly Gear can be bought here:

Register with the PTA

WHO? All families welcome

WHY? Allows you to donate to school supplies, field trips and join the PTA. And you can vote at PTA meetings


WHEN? From now on

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