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November 12, 2019

Good Evening,

First and foremost, I would like to welcome back all of the 6th-grade students and our two CARING and HARD-WORKING 6th-grade teachers: Ms. Jordan and Mr. Schreiner! They just experienced a week of outdoor science camp up at Walden West and came back more grown-up, full of new ways of thinking, and ready for a hot shower and their own beds. I had the chance to visit them a couple of times and I can tell you it is quite an experience for them. If you don’t have a 6th grader but know one, at a minimum you should ask them what nature name they selected to use throughout the week. That alone is insightful.

Halloween Candy Donations!

Whoa!! Thank you to all of the students who donated their hard-earned Halloween Candy for us to send to the troops. Today, leadership students counted how many pieces of candy were collected and you are not going to believe the amount! Come to next week’s Friday assembly to find out! You will also find out where the candy is being sent.


Reminder to the 5th and 6th-grade students who are signed up for the American Mathematics Competition: You must be at the STEM LAB ready to go by 7:30 AM on Tuesday, November 12th. You do not need to bring anything extra with you. All will be provided.

Remember that there is no school on Monday, November 10th as our nation celebrates and honors Veteran’s Day. As someone with generations of veterans, I thank all of those who have served our country. I wish everyone a peaceful three-day weekend.

Nadia Oskolkoff

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