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May 24, 2020

Hello GB Families!

Can you believe we are almost there? We are almost to the end of this school year...but not without a few very special events and celebrations to take place. First, next week is Parent Appreciation Week! Tomorrow, during our live assembly you will hear a sneak peek into what the staff has planned to thank our parents. Please be sure to join us for this important announcement. Second, our Talent Show is in the final stages of production and will be aired on June 5th! Third, the BOOKQUEST must go on and will take place on Monday, June 8th! For all of our published authors, we will come together with a notable published author of our own and celebrate the students’ books. Stay tuned for more information. Fourth, OUR 6th GRADERS ARE PROMOTING to middle school on June 10th!! During tomorrow’s live assembly, I will be announcing a very special event in honor of the whole GB community but especially in honor of our 6th graders and their families. Be sure to join us tomorrow to find out the exciting surprise!


Oh! Would! You! Look! At! THIS!! Enjoy. (Thank you to Ms. Dickerson for putting this little treat together!)


  • The registration form for the Gardner Bullis Annual Talent Show is still live. Register and share a video of your talent.

  • Dancing, singing, magic tricks, poetry readings, and all other skills you have can be shared! All videos need to be submitted by May 29th to be included in the movie.

  • All videos for the talent show should be sent to in order to have them in our final movie.

  • Thanks so much! I have people sending files that are too big for my other address.


  • ​​It is time to start gathering library books so they may be returned to school during your assigned curbside pick-up/drop-off time slot in June. Please use the report of outstanding library materials you will receive by email on Friday, 5/22 to locate books. Place books in a bag for delivery to school and "contactless" handoff at the curb. If there are any books that seem to be lost, kindly provide the reimbursement amount by check payable to "Gardner Bullis PTA" and bring to school on your curbside pick-up/drop-off day. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. De Rego at​ Thank you so much for your support of our library program.

  • Check out the Read Aloud of The One and Only Bob! This is the long-awaited sequel to Newbery Winner The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. Chapters are being posted frequently to the 4th-6th grade Library Google Classrooms!​

Reminder: School Facilities Are Closed

  • As we prepare for the close of the school year we want to remind our families that our school facilities are closed to the public. People may use our fields while adhering to social distancing requirements as determined by state and local public health authorities.

  • We will soon provide procedures for families to return and receive student items from classrooms between June 1 and 10. We will strictly enforce these procedures to ensure the health and safety of staff, students, and families.

Champions Openings Now

  • Have you heard the good news? While school is out, Champions is here to provide child care for families who work in essential service roles during the coronavirus crisis. As our country is stopping normal routines-like sending kids to school-to help flatten the curve, many families are left without the critical child care support they need to do their jobs.

  • Champions is consistently staying up to date on the rapidly changing recommendations and policies from government agencies, including the CDC and childcare licensing. We have updated our safety standards and operating guidelines so that we can provide a warm and welcoming environment that allows both parents and children to feel safe and healthy.

  • Here is a video we created for our parents in our sites that are currently open for essential service families. We wanted to make sure our families see our health and safety protocols in action.

I hope to "see" you all tomorrow morning,


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