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June 01, 2020

Hello GB Families and Happy Parent Appreciation Week!


  • Please join us tomorrow morning at 8:30 for our final assembly of the school year. You can view the live stream with this link. Parents and Volunteers, the staff has a special surprise for you to tomorrow!

  • Here’s the link to the padlet to add your comments or questions to be asked during the assembly.


If your child published a book, the book will be given to you along with any other school materials when you do the drive-thru pickup. Finally - hooray!

We usually are able to go through the books and check for any printing errors and request books to be reprinted if necessary, but given the Shelter-In-Place Order, it was not possible for us to do that. So, if you notice any errors after receiving your books, please contact Student Treasures directly.

Finally, we are excited to announce that we will be doing a virtual BookQuest celebration with our very own GB author: Mr. Devik Schreiner. Mr. Schreiner is the author of "Search A Darker Sky. A Cleft Mind" and "The Oregon Story". You may also know him as Gardner Bullis' beloved, fun, pun-throwing 6th-grade teacher! On Monday, June 8, at 6:30 pm, Mr. Schreiner will tell us about his journey as an author and answer any author/book related questions you may have. Please email your questions for Mr. Schreiner to by Saturday, June 6. More event details to follow.

Your BookQuest Committee

Anna Kermani & Elaine Wang

Room 14’s Magazine on COVID 19

Speaking of students writing and expressing themselves in a “published venue”….please take the time to view and enjoy the 5th graders from Room 14’s Magazine. You will be impressed by their professionalism, creativity, and critical thinking on very complicated topics. They spent the last five weeks working on this and are very excited to share it with the community. I am so proud of them as I know Mrs. Gonggrijp and their parents are too!


You will soon receive the Google Meet link to the Babysitting Party that will begin at 6:30 pm and go until approximately 7:45 pm tomorrow night. Please print the blank BINGO card that will be emailed to you for each child (or use it as a model to create your own). Please use the following guide to add the numbers onto your blank card:

Here is the line-up of the numbers:

  • In the B Column write in the boxes any numbers in between 1-15

  • In the I Column write in the boxes any numbers in between 16-30

  • In the N Column write in the boxes any numbers in between 31-45

  • In the G Column write in the boxes any numbers in between 46-60

  • In the O Column write in the boxes any numbers in between 61-75


  • ​​​Have you heard?? J.K. Rowling (the author of the Harry Potter series) has written a new story called The Ickabog. Ms. Rowling is only offering this story online, for now, a few chapters at a time, for all of the kids who are currently SIP. She also wants kids to illustrate the story for the future printed version! Start reading The Ickabog and enter the illustration competition!! Enjoy and Good Luck!!!

  • ​The virtual SCCL Summer Reading Program is finally here! Sign-ups begin June 1 and the program will run through July 31. Read 5 books, earn 3 badges, and participate in virtual activities for prizes. Go to the SCCL website and find the Beanstack link to sign-up. ​

  • Before we leave for Summer Break, please make sure you know how to find the Gardner Bullis Library Home Page to access the SCCL eBooks and LASD databases. Also, each K-6 Library Google Classroom has a post listing many links to free eBook Collections. And finally, there is a new scrolling banner at the top of our Gardner Bullis School website with a link to even more Summer Resources of activities. Give them all a try and if you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. De Rego at

Plan for Pick-up and Drop-off Belongings

In order to guarantee the safety and health of staff and parents and comply with county health orders, the procedure will be as follows.

Please read carefully:

  1. Parent/Guardian will drive to the front of the school during their designated time and pull forward through the drop-off zone. Please remain inside of your car and do not come inside the school. Multiple staff members will be there ready to help you.

  2. Before arriving at school, please pack up any school items to return (see list below). Items should be packed together in a box or bag and clearly labeled with your child's name and teacher's name.

  3. Please have your child’s Last Name First Name initial in large letters posted on A LARGE PAPER visible from your car windshield. Please do not roll down the windows. We will communicate with you as needed through the window. (If you have concerns or questions that cannot be answered quickly, pull over and park and call the school office @ (650) 559-3200. Do not get out of your car.)

  4. The parent will release the trunk or back hatch of the vehicle and the staff member will remove the bag with the labeled items to be returned to school.

  5. The staff member will put a bag with the student's belongings in the trunk.

  6. If there is a long line of cars when you arrive at school, you may park in the lot and wait for the line to go down or you may return a little later. Do not get out of your car and walk over to drop items.

  7. In order to be in compliance with social distancing orders, please do not walk/bike over for the pick-up. Students alone will not be able to pick up the bagged contents.

  8. Items not picked up by noon on 6/10, will be discarded. No items will be held over the summer.

  9. Other than these designated drive-through pick-up times, GB’s campus is CLOSED to everyone except staff membersMonday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th and again on Monday, June 8th through Thursday, June 11th. Please respect this health and safety need as the staff works to close the school campus for the summer.

Items to Look For and Prepare to Return to School:

  • ALL Grade Levels: Library books, classroom library books, book club books

  • Kindergarten: Red book bags, a bag of math manipulatives- (dice, linking cubes, counters, etc)

  • 3rd Grade: Math Envision Textbook (hardbound with sea otter), Empty Book Bins

  • 5th Grade: Math textbooks, whiteboards, school-owned musical instruments ONLY if the 5th grader is not returning to that particular instrument next year

  • 6th Grade: School-owned musical instruments and any tech devices such as Chromebooks

*Note*: K-5th grade families, if your family borrowed a tech device, you may keep that device over the summer. The exception to this is if you are a K-5th grade family who is leaving our school or a 6th grader leaving our school. Those students must return the borrowed devices.

Assigned times & dates are as follows:

Wed 6/3

  • Kinder: (A - L 8:30a-10:00) (M - Z 10:00a - 12noon)
  • 1st: (A - L 12:30 pm - 2:00pm) (M - Z 2:30pm - 4:00pm)

Thurs 6/4

  • 2nd: (A - L 8:30a-10:00) (M - Z 10:00a - 12noon)
  • 3rd: (A - L 12:30 pm - 2:00pm) (M - Z 2:30pm - 4:00pm)

Fri 6/5

  • 4th: (A - L 8:30a-10:00) (M - Z 10:00a - 12noon)
  • 5th: (A - L 12:30 pm - 2:00pm) (M - Z 2:30pm - 4:00pm)

Mon 6/8

  • 6th (A - K 8:30a-10:00am) (L - Z 10:00a - 12noon)
  • ALL Grades Make Uptime (A-Z 1pm -4 pm)

I hope to see everyone at tomorrow morning’s last PTA meeting to begin right after the assembly.



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