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March 20, 2017

Good afternoon Gardner Families! 

Our Ability Awareness Week is here!  The two different times parent volunteers can come in for training are Mondayat 8:45 am or Tuesday at 6:00 pm.  Below is our schedule for the week.  A heartfelt thank you goes to Project Cornerstone parent volunteers (Megan Crissman in particular) and Annie Morgan with SELPA1 CAC for their partnership and collaboration with us to make this week happen! 

Monday:  Challenge of the Day – Happiness is…saying “Hello!”

Share a smile and say “Hello!” to everyone you see

Kick-off Assemblies with Ms. Oskolkoff

8:45 am - K – 2nd Grade; 9:05 am - 3rd – 6th Grade

Tuesday: Challenge of the Day – Meet a New Buddy at Lunch

Sit with someone new at lunch & learn 3 things about your new buddy

Wednesday: Challenge of the Day – I have the ability…

To meet new people, make new friends, try different things, stand in someone

else’s shoes, listen to others, show I care – because  I am an Upstander! 

10:30 am - 2nd Grade rotation stations

1:00 pm - 1st and 6th Grade - Jordan rotation stations

Thursday:  Challenge of the Day – “Shhh” Homework

Find new ways to express yourself - communicate without using words for at  

least an hour at home with your family

10:30 am - 5th Grade rotation stations

1:00 pm - 3rd Grade rotation stations

Friday:  Challenge of the Day – Happiness is…Dancing All         Together 
Learn new dance moves and celebrate everyone’s abilities at Flag Ceremony with Special Guest - Yulissa
1:00 - 2:30 – 4th and 6th Grade (Myers) rotation stations

STEM Phenomena of the Month

I would like to make a correction and recognize the right two parents who volunteer their time each month in our STEM lab during lunch.  A huge thank you goes to Meera Mishra and Sandy Tierling!! 

Speaking of STEM, Do not forget our STEM Expo on Tuesday.  This is just one more example of how the LAEF and PTA support our school!  Please see below for more information on the event and I look forward to seeing you there. 

Have a wonderful week,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal


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