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Well everyone, this is it. We made it to the end of the school year! This whole year I have been in awe and so proud of this community. Winston Churchill once said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." The Gardner Community (parents & caregivers, teachers & staff, and students) gives so much and because of that- we are the school that we are. I enjoyed working with all of you this year and look forward to the next school year when we will continue the good work. Wow! That Field Day was AWESOME! I have never seen anything quite like that and it was flawless from beginning to end. Thank you to Amanda Boschken, Dee Suppes, and Dan Bruckner for their endless energy and attention to detail while preparing Field Day for our students. Also, thank you to the behind the scenes parents and volunteers, the teachers who help prepare the students and their fearless leader, Mr. Josh Ortman, and of course Mr. Humberto! Please be on the look out for an “End of the Year” survey that will come in a separate email tomorrow. The GB Site Council worked together to create the survey so that your voice can be heard. I wish you all a wonderful summer! I myself will be on the trails and on top of as many mountain tops that I can get to this summer. If you and your family like to hike-below is a list of some of our favorite local dog-friendly trails.
Warmly, Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal |
3/9/25 7:30 AM