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Hello Gardner Families,
It was an excellent first week of school and the students made this campus come alive again- as it should be! The staff and I are so happy to have them here with us again. This week, I went into every classroom to not only talk to the students about our new school rules: Grizzlies are Kind, Safe, Respectful, and Do their Best, but to also talk to them about being a “smile machine.” It was a fun game that we played about the power of smile. Ask them to show you. J
Early Release Thursdays
Thank you parents and guardians for picking up your students on time on our first early release Thursday last week. Your cooperation was very appreciated and the teachers and I were able to get right to work in our collaboration meetings. As a reminder, this schedule will continue every week:
K: 1:15 (after 9/11/17)
1-2: 1:25
3-6: 1:45
Back to School Night
Please join the teachers and I for our Back to School Night on Thursday, August 31st.
School Safety Procedures
As a reminder, parents who would like to pick their students up early must come into the office to sign them out and we will call your student down once you arrive. Also, all parents must come to the office before coming onto campus to sign in and get a visitor’s sticker. If you need to speak to your child, we are happy to call them down to the office to meet with you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Solar Panel Information Meeting
Please join me and Randy Kenyon, LASD Asst. Superintendent of Business Services on Thursday, 8/24 at 6:30 pm in the staff lounge to answer any questions you may have regarding our solar panel project scheduled to kick off September 18th.
I wish everyone a wonderful week and hope to see some of you at our Solar Fest tomorrow at 10:00 am!
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 8:38 AM