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September 10, 2017

Hello GB Families,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the debrief of our trial parking lot closure.  Overall, things went well with the practice closure and collaboratively during the Coffee with the Principal we came up with excellent ideas for drop-off / pick-up improvements.  More to come as we get closer to the construction start date.

PTA Sponsored Third Thursday

Please join us for our first Third Thursday of the year on September 21st from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm.  We will have a Taco Truck and your children will have an opportunity to TASTE THE RAINBOW!  Camilla Gonzalez and the amazing Hot Lunch Team will be there with an opportunity for students to enjoy and sample fresh vegetables from every color of the rainbow.  Thank you to our event sponsor: Milk Pail   

During lunch, Mrs. Gonzalez has been playing a game with the students called “What is this Vegetable?” Last week she introduced a Romanesco broccoli to the students that they got to touch and look at up close.  For your information, the Romanesco broccoli was found in ITALY and is rich in vitamin C and K.  It looks more like a FRACTAL and the number of spirals on the head of the vegetable is a FIBONACCI number! Wow, that is some awesome veggie information!

We still need a few more volunteers for Hot Lunch on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins are all welcome to help. Please contact the team at for more information.

Parent Education Events

The Community Advisory Committee for SELPA 1 (Special Education Local Plan Area) is offering a variety of parent education and support for all learners.  For more information, please visit their website at:

Thursday Game Club!

Our weekly game club is up and running and Ms. Alcaraz, Ms. Semple, and Mrs. Hansen are looking for 4th 5th and 6th grade students who would like to take a leadership role and come in Room 8 during lunch to play games with the younger students. It is fun and a great way to role model how Grizzles care! Please talk to your children if you think they would enjoy this opportunity. 

Have a wonderful week.

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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