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Hello GB Community,
We just had or first PTA meeting and it was very well attended. Thank you for joining us on Friday, and thank you to all of the parents who work so hard to make our school such a special place. The staff and I appreciate all of those long hours you put into your volunteer positions.
During the PTA meeting I shared with the parents the good work the teachers and I focused on last week. Each teacher created several student-centered SMART goals to work on throughout the school year. Their goals are in direct relation to supporting students in literacy, math, and science or creating a safe and positive learning environment. Their goals reflect their professional desire to teach Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops and to build new and engaging units of instruction in all content areas including PE. Our constant goal is to stretch student learning. GB teachers work hard and strive to improve their craft everyday mainly because they care so much for their students but also because of their pure professionalism. I am proud everyday to be a part of this team of educators.
The team would not be complete and teachers and students would not be as successful working towards their goals without the excellent support staff who come to work everyday and give their all. We are so fortunate here at GB.
And finally, our parent community also supports these goals. The PTA supports us in numerous ways but in particular with curriculum and professional development opportunities for teachers to learn and grow in their best practices.
Thank you everyone for all that you do.
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 8:19 AM