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October 29, 2017

Hello Gardner Community,

Thank you for your continued cooperation and patience in the parking lot. Please remember to place your child’s placard on your dashboard and to help our parent volunteers, please write your child’s grade level right next to the teacher’s name.  Adding the grade level will help speed up the pick up process.  

Almost Happy Halloween!

We will have our Halloween parade on Tuesday the 31st at 2:00 pm and we hope you can WoW your way to enjoy the children in costumes!  The parade takes place on the upper black top and all family members are welcome.  Please remember to save the excessive gore and/or weapons for Trick or Treating and not bring them to school. Children will have time to get dressed after lunch and should not come to school in costume.  Children are welcome to go home after the parade but you MUST sign them out with the teacher first.  Teachers will have a sign out sheet in their classrooms. 

Halloween Candy for a Good Cause!

Speaking of Halloween, our very own Ms. Jordan has a brother who serves in the military and our staff would like to collect all of your extra or unwanted/unneeded Halloween candy for his troop.  (Last year we made care packages for them and sent them off!) What better way to get the overload of sugar out of your house than to send it to school for a good cause.  Wednesday thru Friday, your child can bring the candy to his or her teacher who will then give it all to Ms. Jordan and a care package will be sent with a ton of Grizzly love and care.  Remember, Grizzlies are Kind and our character trait for the months of November and December is “Building Community” and Ms. Jordan’s brother is definitely a part of our community. 

Students are also being encouraged to write letters to troops in honor of Veteran's Day on November 11th.  There is a collection box in the office if you would like to do this with your children at home, but students will also have a chance to write letters at school.  

Project Corner Stone!

Speaking of being kind and building community, thank you to Margaret P., Mona A. and all of the other Project Corner Stone volunteers for always finding ways to build community with their lessons and activities.  For those of you who do not know, they are currently giving each child in the school a rock who is then painting and decorating it to their personal fancy so that in turn those rocks can be displayed in the shape of a Grizzly paw for all to enjoy.  The ladies have also very cleverly incorporated our: Grizzlies are Kind, Safe, Respectful, and Do their Best to both the lessons and art display! 

Site Council Parent Nominations

Every school has a School Site Council (SSC) that must represent parents, community members, and school staff in the school governance process.  Our SSC will meet 4 times this school year to:

  • Review and analyze student achievement data,
  • gather community input,
  • help develop the Academic Plan (goals) and school budget,
  • and monitor those goals.

Membership on the council is by election.  Parents nominate and vote for parents.  Teachers nominate and vote for teachers and other staff members nominate and vote for other staff members. I am collecting nominations for parents now. If you would like to nominate a parent, please stop by the office for the nomination form or send me a quick email simply telling me whom you would like to nominate.

Nominations for parents will close on Friday, November 3rd and voting will take place via a Google form immediately after. 

Our first meeting will be held in November and then January, March and May.  Thank you for your interest in partnering with the school in advance. 

Hot Lunch Volunteers

Hot Lunch volunteers are needed immediately for every other Tuesday and Thursday and if we do not get these two days filled, hot lunch will no longer be served on these two days.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, or caregivers are all encouraged to help.  Camilla G. has held this program together by working very hard and many days a week but more help is needed.  If you can help even one or two days a month, please email

Have a spooktacular week and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our Walkathon next Saturday!

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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