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November 13, 2017

First Trimester Report Cards

Believe it or not we are 1/3 of the way through our school year!  The Kindergartners just “celebrated” the 60th day of school and had to find clues left by Zero the Hero.  They are counting by 10 frames and we are up to 6 10 frames already!  Proudly, all of the students have learned so much during this first trimester from literacy and social studies to science and math…not to mention all of the social emotional learning that is taking place on this campus everyday.  Report cards will be emailed home to you on Monday evening and will reflect all that has been learned, but will also show all that we have left to discover.  If you do not have access to email and need a hard copy of your child’s report card, please let us know in the office. 


Conferences will be here soon (November 20th -21st).  Please be sure to sign up for a time with your child’s teacher.

Superintendent Baier

On Thursday, I had the pleasure of hosting Jeff Baier for a campus-wide classroom visit.  He had the opportunity to see the excellent teaching and good learning taking place in ALL of our classrooms.  I was very proud of our staff but mostly of our students! It is so good to be a Grizzly! 

Special Education Local Plan Area Community Advisory Committee

SELPA 1 CA is a website full of resources for parents.  SELPA is a “group dedicated to raising awareness of special education issues.  They promote communication and coordination between schools, parents and public agencies.” 

If you are a Veteran or have a Veteran in your family, I thank you for your service.  I have multiple generations of Veterans in my family including my brother, father, and grandfathers and know the dedication it takes. 

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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