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November 27, 2017

Welcome back everyone!  I do hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break full of friends, family, and good food.  We served 17 of our closest friends and family and it was perfect.  We also enjoyed the Charles Dickens Fair at the Cow Palace as we have done every year for 15 years and if you have never gone, I highly recommend you experience this time machine back to the Victorian Era.  Here is a link for you to see if it would be something your family would enjoy. 

Upcoming Events

The next few weeks are going to fly by, as we get busier and busier with the holidays and hustle-bustle of December and January.  We want to enjoy these next few weeks but learn at the same time.  Trimester 2 is off and running and staff are back ready to get student-learning going.  We do, however, have a few big events I want to remind you about. 

  • 12/7/17 Kindergarten and New Family Night:  If you have a child that will be entering kindergarten next year or know of a new family who will be joining us, this night is for them. @ 6:00 pm
  • 12/8/17 Winter Concert:  Our students have worked so hard up to this point and are very proud to play some music for you.  Please join us @ 1:00 pm.
  • 12/11/17 Holiday Boutique:  This is one of the best (and easy) ways to shop! 
  • 12/12-12/15 Book Fair:  One of my most favorite events both as a principal and as a child is the book fair.  I love the idea of our students picking up books and falling into a story that they cannot put down.  Recently, an educator friend recommended the children’s book The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.  I have not read it yet but I look forward to enjoying the story over winter break. This year there will be a very special GIVE BACK component to our book fair.  Students will be able to select a gift tag and then purchase a book for that particular student.  These students are from my previous school and will be so grateful for a brand new book to take home.   

Student Council Update

Our student council is up and running and the first thing on their “To Do” list was to determine give back projects and spirit days.  Here is what our students collaboratively came up with: 

  • November-December Second Harvest Food Bank:  We will have food containers either in the front of the school or near the multi in order to collect the following items:
  • Canned tuna, chicken or salmon
  • Peanut butter
  • Meals in a can (soup, stew, chili)
  • Low-sodium canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit in its own juice or water
  • Olive or canola oil
  • Spices (cinnamon, chili powder, cumin, salt-free spice blends)
  • Canned foods with pop-top lids
  • Low-sugar whole grain cereals
  • Healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)

Please avoid items packed in glass. No candy or sugar-sweetened drinks.

  • January 2018 TBD but possibly a café: To raise money for Puerto Rico

Friday, December 1st:  Ugly Sweater Day!

Parking Lot!

Thank you to the 3rd grade parents for all your morning and afternoon help the week before break!  4th grade parents-if you could help us this week either for drop off or pick up, we would appreciate that.  It sure makes a difference to have a parent presence out there. 

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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