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Hello Gardner Community,
As we get closer to ending the calendar year and in the continued spirit of gratitude and holidays, I would to thank all of the amazing parent groups and volunteers who make our school so special. A heartfelt thank you to:
The PTA Executive Board and parent members for their constant time, energy, and financial support for the students and classrooms of Gardner Bullis.
The hot lunch volunteers who work so hard and so many hours for our lunch program and without them the program would absolutely not exist.
The SELFY program and volunteers who brought crafts to lunch recess and helped open the upper grass field and multi purpose room for group games.
Project Cornerstone volunteers for their amazing character-building lessons and the most recent "We are One" rock display.
The Book Fair volunteers who have and are going to work endless hours to create our magical book fair.
Art Docents and Living Classroom volunteers who bring some of the outside world of art and healthy living into the classrooms.
The GB website and Bear Tracks team who help the school communicate to the greater community.
The STEM volunteers who passionately create fun STEM lessons and activities for students to enjoy and learn from during lunch or in the classroom.
The parking lot parent volunteers who help ensure the safety of our community every day! Especially to the one or two of you that have been out there every day!!
The Walk-a-thon team who worked endless hours to create a very exciting and crazy-fun messy walk-a-thon this year!
The classroom parents who help in the classrooms every week or who attended field trips.
The Third Thursday parents who have brought us crafts, culture, music, and food to enjoy as a community.
The parents who help us give back to both local and global communities. We are a very generous school who cares for those in need. (Look for the display case to come honoring just how generous our families have been this school year! All of your efforts are inspiring and teach our children so much.)
The WoW team who help promote our need to be “green” and Walk or Wheel to school!
The parents who helped manage students on school picture day.
The Holiday Boutique volunteers who create a wonderful shopping opportunity for our families.
And, all of those other parents who are there and offer assistance to the school community or classroom at a moments notice. Your work does not go unnoticed and you are appreciated.
Warmly on this December day,
Nadia Oskolkoff, principal
3/9/25 7:33 AM