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January 08, 2018

Hello GB Community!

Our first week back after a long winter break was fantastic!  It felt so good to see all of our students again and to see how happy they were to return. It was also wonderful to hear how they got right back into the learning mode.  We have welcomed several new families since returning from break and a few more will be joining us this week.  Currently, we have new families in kindergarten, 2nd grade, 4th grade, and 6th grade.  I have received wonderful feedback from the new families about how welcoming the Gardner community has been from the moment they walk into the office, to the students and teachers in the classroom, to the parents and PTA who have reached out to them.  I cannot tell you how proud I am to know our community- and especially our students- welcome new faces with open arms.  Thank you to everyone for living one of our mottos that “Grizzlies are Kind.” 

Solar Panel Update

The solar panels in our parking lot were installed facing East last week, which drew some concern.  The District halted the installation and asked the construction team to review why East-facing.  While there are some valid reasons for East-facing panels, in our case we get the maximum benefit (cost savings) if the panels are facing West.  Thus the District has directed the contractor to undo some of the construction and re-orient the panels to the West.  It is expected this will take 3 – 4 days to complete.

We sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience during this time of inconvenience.  We all look forward to the end result when construction is done and we start to accrue significant savings.

With that being said, I appreciate the parking lot volunteers so much.  To show you my appreciation stop by the Coffee with the Principal On Friday the 12th to enjoy coffee, hot chocolate, OJ, and pastries…even if you cannot stay for Principal Rocha's presentation about middle school, please stop by for some well-deserved treats!

Kindergartners are Kind and Give Back

Bake Sale for Houston Kinder Class: Mrs. Hertz's Kindergarten class will be holding a bake sale next Wednesday 1/10 to raise funds to purchase items for their kindergarten buddy class at Longfellow Elementary School, one of the Houston schools affected by the fall hurricanes.  Using the funds raised from the bake sale, the kids (with the help of Mrs. Hertz) will purchase items off the class' Amazon wishlist filled with much-needed school supplies that were lost in the hurricane.

Wednesday 1/10

8:15-8:30am and 2:30-3:00-- All items $2/piece.  Donations also gladly accepted 

Parent Ed Talk Reading Workshop: Please Join Us!

In this one-hour parent information session, literacy experts from LASD will share how students are developing and practicing skills and dispositions to become lifelong readers of relevant and complex texts. Learn how students engage in the Reading Workshop and how the structure and curriculum support rigorous learning for all students.


Friday, January 19, 2018 9:30am - 10:30am


Los Altos School District Offices

iLearn Studio
201 Covington Road Los Altos, CA 94024


Have a wonderful week,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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