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Hello GB Families
This weekend my husband and I enjoyed a docent-lead hike through the Pescadero Marsh. We enjoyed seeing and learning about Egrets, Blue Herrings, Hawks, Coots, marsh vegetation, and even wood rat condominiums! It was beautiful and relaxing. For more information on such a hike for you and your family to enjoy visit their website here. Afterwards, you can make your way to the town of Pescadero to enjoy a made-to-order-delicious
Site Council/ELAC
Our site council and ELAC meeting will be held Monday at 3:15 in the library. All are welcome to come. Agenda below.
Mindfulness and the Zen Den
Our Zen Den is up and running and multiple classes are practicing mindfulness with Dr. Behnaz Shahid once a week. It is our belief that when students have the skills to identify their emotions and be mindful of their feelings, their mindset to learn improves. The staff and I would not have been able to move forward with our mindfulness practice without the support of the PTA. They supported our intrigue last year and helped us put the plan in motion this year. Thank you very much GB parents!
PTA meeting
Speaking of the PTA, please join us this Friday after the morning assembly for our monthly PTA meeting. Our very own literacy coach, Mrs. Schroeder, will be with us and walk parents through a Readers Workshop Lesson. This will not be a presentation but an actual lesson just as your students experience in the classroom. Afterwards, her and I will both be able to answer any questions you may have regarding our ELA program.
SELFY is back on Wednesdays at lunch! Students are able to enjoy either an arts and crafts table or the upper field with SELFY Coaches there to assist. Amanda Boschken is looking for parent volunteers on to help on Wednesdays. Please sign up here.
I wish you all an excellent week,
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal
3/9/25 8:25 AM