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February 24, 2019

Hello GB families and welcome back!

The staff and I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow and hope you had rested and fun-filled winter break! 

Mindfulness and the Zen Den

Starting this week, Ms. Courtney who is a mindfulness coach will practice mindfulness and talk about social-emotional learning with our students and teachers each week directly in their classrooms for the next 12 weeks. Courtney is a parent here with a 2nd and 5th grader and is certified through Mindful Schools. She has been working with schools in the Bay Area to engage students in the practice of mindfulness and is the perfect next step for our needs.  Because our staff and students went through an amazing 10-week course of mindfulness last year, they have the foundation and have been able to continue the practice in the classrooms.  Courtney will come into the classroom and enhance that practice as well as connect it to the social-emotional health of our students.   

Remember, mindfulness means to be present in the moment and to focus on where we are and what we are doing in that moment without judgment.  It helps our students to understand what they are feeling and to not feel overwhelmed by their emotions.  Here is a website for more information. Research shows that mindfulness can help to reduce stress and anxiety and increase well-being…even with elementary students.  If you would like more information, please let me or your student’s teacher know. Courtney and I will also be planning a parent meeting and will get that information out ASAP.

Our ZEN DEN is almost done!  With the help of our student leaders, Ms. Leinenbach, and Ms. Tandon, our Zen Den has been designed and items have been ordered.  The student leadership brain-stormed different objects/furniture they would like to have in room 11 to create a place where they can go and relax, regroup, feel calm, or rejuvenate.  Thank you to the support of PTA, we have been able to order most of their requested items and we will put it all together this week.  The idea is for the Zen Den to be open several times a week during lunch for students to enjoy or if a teacher would like to bring their class into the room for quiet learning.  Once we are done creating our space, we will hold an “open house” for all to see.      

Site Council Meeting

On Tuesday, February 26th at 3:15, our site council will meet in the student center for this trimester’s meeting.  All are welcome to attend.  Our agenda is as follows:

  • Review previous meetings outcomes
  • Edit and confirm our 2018-2020 school-wide goals
  • Finalize our school safety plan
  • Other as needed


Spirit Day!

The student leadership has declared Friday, March 1st CRAZY HAIR DAY!!

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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