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March 08, 2019

Hello GB Community,

Well…Sunny the turtle popped up out of hibernation this weekend and for me that means spring is here!  Sunny was down for 4 ½ long months this year so I was very happy to see movement in our pond.  I love spring and all that it brings and I am excited to see new growth all around us…including in the students.  This is usually the time of year we really start to see changes and maturity in grade levels as they inch ever-so-closer to their next grade level.  We will be very busy over the next 6 weeks before the REAL spring break so hold on and please stay tuned so you do not miss a single thing! 

6th graders ROCK!

Please participate in their sponsored Blood Drive on March 8th in the multi and their Morning Cafe, also in the multi, on the morning of April 24th.    The 6th graders will use the process of Design Thinking to come up with a plan on how to donate all proceeds of the cafe back to the school as a class gift.  This has been a long-time standing tradition at GB and I cannot wait to see what they come up with!   I thank Ms. Jordan and Mr. Schreiner in advance for their guidance and modeling of leadership on such projects.  Also, thank you to all of the 6th-grade parents who are donating time and product to the cause.  We appreciate you so much!

Coffee with the Principal on March 8th at 9:00

Please join me this Friday right after the assembly for our monthly coffee.  This month, our talented and resourceful librarian, Mrs. DeRego, will show you the amazing student resources we now have access to via the web.  You will want to know how the library can help students in their studies and I have a feeling you may even get excited!  We certainly did.  ;)

Student Leadership

Student leaders met this past Friday to finalize how they want to help animals.   Ms. Tandon, Ms. Leinenbach, Ali G, and I all believe it is important for those students who wish to participate in this cause to have a hands-on experience in the service.  So, we will have a bake sale on March 15th and use those proceeds will help purchase product to make no-sew blankets for cats and dogs during lunch recess on Wednesday, March 20th.  We need parent volunteers to provide baked goods for the bake sale AND to help supervise the blanket-making.  More information will come in the next few days.  The students are very excited to have such a part in helping our four-legged friends. 

Kindergarten Playground

For safety reasons, students cannot be on the kindergartner playground once they have been dismissed from class without adult supervision.  I have noticed an increase of unsupervised students over the past few weeks and my guess is as the weather warms more students will want to play there.  Please remind your students that they cannot wait for parent pick-up on the playground without your supervision.  Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students safe.  


As a reminder:  The other two playgrounds are not open to students until after 3:00 pm and then only with adult supervision.  The campus is still in session until 3:00 pm and that includes the playground areas. 

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal

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