Hello Gardner Families, Thank you to all of the families who donated to HOPE and especially who came out to help sort and re-box the donated items Thursday evening. It feels good to give to others and it feels even better to do that together as a Gardner community. A HUGE shout out goes to Amanda Boschken who helped select the organization and spearheaded the drive! CAASPP 3rd thru 6th grade April 24th – May 19th is our testing window for the California Assessment for Student Performance & Progress otherwise know as the CAASPP. Each teacher has individually scheduled when their class will take the English Language Arts (ELA) portion and the math portion of the test. Below are a few items to be mindful of to ensure your student is ready to perform at his or her best.
After School Pick Up There are still a number of students not being picked up at dismissal. Students should not be left unattended after school or be expected to wait for long periods of time for their parents or caregivers to arrive. This is a safety issue that concerns me. If you have extenuating circumstances that do not allow you to be here on time, please let me or your child’s teacher know. Also, please keep in mind that the safest way to pick up your student is at the curb- rather than waiting for them in the parking lot and having them walk to you. Fact Finders! Ok Fact Finders- here is your challenge once again: What percentage of the bee population do we lose every year? To find the answer, please visit Mihir Srivastava’s web site. You can look around and even make comments to him and his team! We congratulate Mihir and his robotics team once again for making it to the semi-finals in FIRST® LEGO® League Seventh Annual Global Innovation Award! We wish them the very best in Washington DC and cannot wait to hear all about the experience. Remember students, come find me at recess and tell me your answer to the fact-finding challenge. Have an amazing-bee-tiful week, Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal |