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May 01, 2017

Hello Gardner Families,

First of all, congratulations to all of the students who participated in JOs over the weekend!  I know the students have been training for quite sometime for their events so they should feel very proud of themselves.  I used to run marathons and would train for hours and hours and hours for the big day.  My advice to all who participated in JOs is to rest -now that the events are over- but to maintain your level of health, strength, and endurance the best that you can.  I cannot wait to hear all about the day and I am sorry to have missed it.  Also, a huge thank you to our very own Josh Ortman and the JO committee: Laura Schmidt, Tara Roussel, Dee Suppes, and Amanda Boschken! The constant flow of parent commitment to our school and community is an amazing and wonderful thing.  

Parent Request for 2017-2018 class placement

As we start to get ready for next school year, I want to share with you our process for building class lists.  The teachers work hard to balance each classroom based on gender, academics, and levels of needed support.  They meet together as a team and then I meet with them.  This process is thoughtful and each of our students is carefully considered.  While we cannot honor requests for specific teachers, you may complete an OPTIONAL form that could give us a little bit more information about your child.  Please complete this form not later than May 5th.    

Thank you,

Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal


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