Hello GB Community,
I would like to extend a very warm thank you to Principal Rocha and his 7th and 8th grade students for their presentation at Fridays Coffee with the Principal. The Gardner parents and I were so impressed with the students for not only their presentation skills, but also for their clear passion and appreciation for the excellent learning happening at Egan. For any of the parents who missed the presentation, Principal Rocha will soon send out dates for upcoming informational meetings.
Tomorrow we will not have school in honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. Dr. King brought our country of many cultures together and gave us hope. As Grizzlies, we want to honor his values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility, and service to others today and every day. Here is a short video to share with your children on the history and significance of Dr. King.
There is also no school on Tuesday. The teachers and I will join all of the other teachers and administrators in the district for a full day of professional development and collaboration. While I always miss the students, sitting side-by-side with teachers learning together are some of my favorite days of the school year.
If your family is traveling I wish you a safe return and look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, January 17th.
Nadia Oskolkoff, Principal