Content Row

Los Altos Farmer’s Market- every Thursday beginning at 4 pm  _________________________________________________________________

See what’s going on downtown Los Altos here.

Pet Parade

On Saturday, May 18th from 10:00-10:30 am creatures and children of the world will unite in downtown Los Altos as families and their pets show off one another.  Children, pets, parents and teachers will walk up and down Main Street and State Street in front of cheering, waving and clapping admirers in the annual Kiwanis Club Pet Parade! Your child should wear his/her Gardner Bullis t-shirt.  Children can decorate a tricycle, wagon or scooter or carry a favorite stuffed pet animal, so everyone is included in this special event.

Please plan to meet us in the assembly area by 9:30am on Saturday morning.  We will send out an email next week with our confirmed meeting spot. The parade will start promptly at 10:00am. Please remember to wear Gardner Bullis gear-the more festive the better!

Hope to see you there!

-Margie Swain


Parties, Parties, Parties.  There are still some great auction parties available.  The kids end of the year parties both with teachers and parents are coming up, plus lots of fun adult parties.  Get your spot here.


Do you shop at Amazon? 

Please consider helping the Gardner Bullis PTA by using the link every time you shop at Amazon or Amazon Prime. Just go to and select "Gardner Bullis School PTA" as your charitable organization. The PTA will receive 0.5% back - at no added cost to you! To learn more about AmazonSmile, click here.

Living Classroom is seeking volunteers!...With more teachers than ever before signing up for our fun and engaging lessons, we are struggling to meet our lesson demand.  Come to our Informational Meeting and Garden Tour to learn how you can help!   Feel free to invite a friend, neighbor or grandparent to attend with you!


Living Classroom Info Meeting & Garden Tour

Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 10am

Los Altos School District – Board Room

201 Covington Road, Los Altos

Click here for a flyer for this event!

RSVP/Questions?  Email or call (650) 947-1103.

Check us out at!


Who we are:

We are a dedicated group of trained volunteers who teach hands-on garden-based lessons to students in grades K-8.


Why volunteer?

Living Classroom is about more than just teaching students how to plant in the garden.  It’s about using the edible and native plant gardens at each school as living laboratories and engaging student learning in fun and relevant ways.  Most of our standard-aligned lessons are interdisciplinary and tie into science, social studies and math curriculum.  Our hands-on lessons also get kids outside (green time vs. screen time), encourage healthy eating habits, and promote environmental literacy and stewardship.


Volunteering with Living Classroom offers a way for docents to act locally to help protect our environment and nurture our future environmental stewards!


You don’t have to have a green thumb to be an amazing Living Classroom docent.  In fact, our program is great way to learn how to turn that black thumb into a green one!


Living Classroom docents enjoy ongoing educational programs, hikes, field trips, social activities and a wonderful sense of community.  Just seeing the students smile and get excited when a docent arrives to give a lesson is rewarding and priceless!


The commitment is only 6 hours (3 lessons) a month and you can tailor the program to fit your interests and availability.


Thanks and we hope to see you in the gardens soon!

Living Classroom Staff


Caroline Chan

Program Coordinator, Living Classroom

Los Altos School District

(650) 947-1103 (office)

(650) 303-9764 (mobile)


Aristocats KIDS! Performance


The Green Room Theatre & Dance once again has put together another great adaptation. Based on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns. Come watch and support your Gardner Bullis friends!


May 31st Friday show: 7pm

June 1st Saturday show: 2pm

Cost: FREE


4th Grade Instrument Quest
June 4th, 2019
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Covington Multi
In preparation for choosing a musical instrument to play in 5th grade, the LASD Music Department will host an instrument selection event called “Instrument Quest” for all 4th grade students in the district. Your child will be able to try out every instrument we offer in our Band and Orchestra (flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, viola, cello).
This is a great opportunity to see which instrument best suits your child. Parents are welcome to ask questions and to meet the LASD Music teachers.


When your child is absent; we appreciate you calling the attendance line OR filling out the online form. These are the preferred methods for documentation purposes. The District Nurses are asking all parents in the district to not call your students in "sick". Please be specific when leaving either message to why your student is not at school. The District Nurses are tracking our extended flu season and are requesting specific symptoms-fever, cold, vomiting, sore throat, rash, etc.  Please be very specific with students symptoms. We may need to do a super clean in a classroom or around campus because of illnesses-- so they do not spread. Also, it was a rule to keep a child home for 24 hours without medication or symptoms. The District Nurses have increased the time to 48 hours to keep your student home. We are seeing way too many students coming back too early from their illness.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in keeping Gardner  School healthy!

Los Altos School District Health Services Department:

When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home. In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.

Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms:
You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 48hours.
 Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis). These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems.

The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.
     Vomiting or Diarrhea
     Sore throat or trouble swallowing
     Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose
     Rash or unusual sores or spots

     Generalized muscle aches and pains
     Wheezing or trouble breathing
     Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes

     Head Lice
Del Departamento de Servicios de Salud del LASD:

Cuando No Enviar a su Hijo(a) a la Escuela
A veces, sobre todo temprano en la mañana, es difícil saber si enviar o no a su hijo(a) a la escuela. Las siguientes directrices son indicaciones de que debe mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa. De esta manera, usted ayuda a controlar la propagación del catarro, influenza, y otras enfermedades contagiosas.

Mantenga a su hijo(a) en la casa cuando el o ella tenga cualquiera de los siguientes síntomas:
       Fiebre de 99.6 o más
       Vomito o Diarrea
       Dolor de garganta o dificultad tragando
       Tos, estornudos, y/o secreción nasal
       Salpullido, llagas o manchas no usuales
       Dolor de cabeza
       Dolores musculares generalizados
       Silbidos o dificultad respirando
       Ojos rojos, con costra o ardor no usuales
       Piojos de Cabeza

Usted tendrá que mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa hasta que esté sin síntomas y sin medicamentos por 48 horas.
Además, NOTIFIQUE INMEDIATEMENTE A LA OFICINA si su hijo(a) ha sido expuesto a, o ha tenido contacto con, varicela, paperas, sarampión, o tos ferina (pertusis). Estas condiciones pueden poner en peligro la vida de estudiantes quienes estén recibiendo terapias las cuales supriman sus sistemas inmunológico.

La siguiente información es solamente una guía para asuntos de salud infantil. Llame a las Enfermeras del Distrito (650-444-9702 ó 650-537-8119) o a su proveedor de servicios de salud para más información. Siempre traiga a la escuela una copia de una nota de su médico y/o notifique a la escuela si su hijo(a) estará ausente por 10 días o más debido a una condición médica.
Updated 1/2017

We’re on the home stretch!
Help us raise the final $64K to meet our goal.


A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference!
Let's cross the finish line and raise $3.5M to fully fund this school year.
Donate online or drop off a check in your school office.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @LAEFonline

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445

Los Altos Farmer’s Market has begun- every Thursday beginning at 4 pm.

See what’s going on downtown Los Altos here.

Auction Parties Still Available

There are still some great parties available for purchase, including some great teacher parties.  The Kinder through 3rd Grade Parties will be held at school on May 17.  There are still some spots available, plus spots for the ever fun end of the year parties and Parent parties.  Tickets can be purchased at


Do you shop at Amazon? 

Please consider helping the Gardner Bullis PTA by using the link every time you shop at Amazon or Amazon Prime. Just go to and select "Gardner Bullis School PTA" as your charitable organization. The PTA will receive 0.5% back - at no added cost to you! To learn more about AmazonSmile, click here.

4th Grade Instrument Quest
June 4th, 2019
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Covington Multi
In preparation for choosing a musical instrument to play in 5th grade, the LASD Music Department will host an instrument selection event called “Instrument Quest” for all 4th grade students in the district. Your child will be able to try out every instrument we offer in our Band and Orchestra (flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, violin, viola, cello).
This is a great opportunity to see which instrument best suits your child. Parents are welcome to ask questions and to meet the LASD Music teachers.


When your child is absent; we appreciate you calling the attendance line OR filling out the online form. These are the preferred methods for documentation purposes. The District Nurses are asking all parents in the district to not call your students in "sick". Please be specific when leaving either message to why your student is not at school. The District Nurses are tracking our extended flu season and are requesting specific symptoms-fever, cold, vomiting, sore throat, rash, etc.  Please be very specific with students symptoms. We may need to do a super clean in a classroom or around campus because of illnesses-- so they do not spread. Also, it was a rule to keep a child home for 24 hours without medication or symptoms. The District Nurses have increased the time to 48 hours to keep your student home. We are seeing way too many students coming back too early from their illness.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in keeping Gardner  School healthy!

Los Altos School District Health Services Department:

When to Keep Your Child Home From School
Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school. The following guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home. In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.

Keep your child at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms:
You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 48hours.
 Also, NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts chicken pox, mumps or measles or whooping cough (pertussis). These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems.

The following information is only a guide to common childhood health concerns. Call our District Nurses or personal health care provider for more information. Always bring a copy of a physician’s note to school and/or notify the school if your child will have an extended absence due to a health condition for 10 days or longer.
     Vomiting or Diarrhea
     Sore throat or trouble swallowing
     Coughing, sneezing, and/or runny nose
     Rash or unusual sores or spots

     Generalized muscle aches and pains
     Wheezing or trouble breathing
     Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes

     Head Lice
Del Departamento de Servicios de Salud del LASD:

Cuando No Enviar a su Hijo(a) a la Escuela
A veces, sobre todo temprano en la mañana, es difícil saber si enviar o no a su hijo(a) a la escuela. Las siguientes directrices son indicaciones de que debe mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa. De esta manera, usted ayuda a controlar la propagación del catarro, influenza, y otras enfermedades contagiosas.

Mantenga a su hijo(a) en la casa cuando el o ella tenga cualquiera de los siguientes síntomas:
       Fiebre de 99.6 o más
       Vomito o Diarrea
       Dolor de garganta o dificultad tragando
       Tos, estornudos, y/o secreción nasal
       Salpullido, llagas o manchas no usuales
       Dolor de cabeza
       Dolores musculares generalizados
       Silbidos o dificultad respirando
       Ojos rojos, con costra o ardor no usuales
       Piojos de Cabeza

Usted tendrá que mantener a su hijo(a) en la casa hasta que esté sin síntomas y sin medicamentos por 48 horas.
Además, NOTIFIQUE INMEDIATEMENTE A LA OFICINA si su hijo(a) ha sido expuesto a, o ha tenido contacto con, varicela, paperas, sarampión, o tos ferina (pertusis). Estas condiciones pueden poner en peligro la vida de estudiantes quienes estén recibiendo terapias las cuales supriman sus sistemas inmunológico.

La siguiente información es solamente una guía para asuntos de salud infantil. Llame a las Enfermeras del Distrito (650-444-9702 ó 650-537-8119) o a su proveedor de servicios de salud para más información. Siempre traiga a la escuela una copia de una nota de su médico y/o notifique a la escuela si su hijo(a) estará ausente por 10 días o más debido a una condición médica.
Updated 1/2017

We’re on the home stretch!
Help us raise the final $64K to meet our goal.


A gift of $50, $100 or even $300 will make a difference!
Let's cross the finish line and raise $3.5M to fully fund this school year.
Donate online or drop off a check in your school office.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @LAEFonline

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445


Free Magic Show at Los Altos History Museum – Magician Phil Ackerly performs tricks and comedy in a family-friendly show at Los Altos History Museum, Wednesday, May 8 at 6:30 pm. Before and after the show, attendees may browse the Museum's exhibition, "Silicon Valley Eats: a Taste for Innovation."

Here is the info about the LAH pathways run/walk 2018 for your family
and other GB families that might be interested to sign up and use a
special GB family discount code so please forward this to other GB
families and friends that your know!

$10 Discount Promo code - "gbrun"

Race website and registration:

Race Info:

Come out for the 18th Annual Los Altos Hills Pathways Run/Walk, and make
Los Altos Hills Pathways your Run * Sweet * Run!

This fun annual event begins at the Westwind Community Barn, runs
through the Byrne Preserve and extends into the Los Altos Hills Pathways
system.  The run features a hilly and challenging 5K and 10K Pathways
Run/Walk and a 1-Mile Fun Run.  Special athletic race shirts will be
provided a long with finisher medals to those who register.

New this year are “Team” registrations so that your family or group of
friends can all register as a team to compete and compare your race
results and registration numbers with other team members or other teams!

Date: Saturday May 11, 2019

Time for 5K/10K: 9:00 am

Fees for 5K/10K: $45 ($50 on race day)

Time for 1-Mile Fun Run: 10:30 am

Fees for 1-Mile Fun Run: $30 ($35 on race day)

Location: Westwind Community Barn - 27210 Altamont Road, Los Altos
Hills, CA 94022


See what’s going on downtown Los Altos here.

Auction Parties Still Available

There are still some great parties available for purchase, including some great teacher parties.  The Kinder through 3rd Grade Parties will be held at school on May 17.  There are still some spots available, plus spots for the ever fun end of the year parties and Parent parties.  Tickets can be purchased at


Do you shop at Amazon? 

Please consider helping the Gardner Bullis PTA by using the link every time you shop at Amazon or Amazon Prime. Just go to and select "Gardner Bullis School PTA" as your charitable organization. The PTA will receive 0.5% back - at no added cost to you! To learn more about AmazonSmile, click here.


The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

Please join us for two screenings of LIKE - an IndieFlix Original Film

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 | 6:00pm and 7:30pm | LAHS Eagle Theater |201 Almond Ave., Los Altos, CA

LIKE explores the impact of social media on our lives. Technology is a tool. It’s here to stay and social platforms are a place to connect, share and care, but what’s really happening? Are we addicted? How do we stop? Where do we start? What do we need to know?

By understanding the effects of technology and social media on the brain, on our lives, and on our civilization, we can learn how to navigate it more safely together.  The goal of this film is to inspire people of all ages, especially kids, to self regulate their use of technology. It’s about looking in the mirror and empowering ourselves to create balance in our lives and to learn to be there for each other.
Released this past fall, LIKE is a follow-up to Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety, an IndieFlix film about teen anxiety, which was screened in January 2019 in partnership with the MVLA Unified High School District, Los Altos School District, and Mountain View Whisman School District.

Angst shines a spotlight on the alarming rise in teen anxiety and associative mental health issues for the very treatable condition that impacts 54 percent of females and 46 percent of males, with age seven being the median age of onset.

Following each screening, CHAC therapists will be available to share resources and to answer individual and small group questions.

Register for this free event at

Spanish translation will be available.  Please indicate on Eventbrite when registering.

Sponsored by Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.



How to join the fundraiser

1 Visit
2 Enter the code GRIZZLY19 –– click "Shop Now.”
3 Add your groceries to your Good Eggs basket and check out.

New customers get $15 off with this code and if 20 new customers join the fundraiser,
our school also gets a $500 fundraising bonus.

Fundraiser terms & details:
5% will count back to the school on all orders placed between February 25 and April 30.
You MUST use the code GRIZZLY19 on your first order to count as a new customer. New accounts to the same household will not be counted.


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