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May 01, 2017
Hello Gardner Families, First of all, congratulations to all of the students who participated in JOs over the weekend!  I know the students have been training for quite sometime for their events so they should feel very proud of themselves.  I used to run marathons and would train for hours and hours and hours for the big day.  My advice to all who participated in JOs is to rest -now that the events are over- but to maintain your level of health, stren...

April 24, 2017
Hello Gardner Families, Thank you to all of the families who donated to HOPE and especially who came out to help sort and re-box the donated items Thursday evening.  It feels good to give to others and it feels even better to do that together as a Gardner community.  A HUGE shout out goes to Amanda Boschken who helped select the organization and spearheaded the drive!  CAASPP 3rd thru 6th grade April 24th &ndash...

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