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The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents:

Raising Digital Natives

Devorah Heitner

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 7pm, LAHS Eagle Theater

Parents today worry that kids are addicted, detached or distracted because of digital devices. Often, adults are less conscious about what they are modeling with their own relationship with technology. Drawing from the latest research, Dr. Heitner provides gems of guidance to help parents become confident digital media mentors to texters, gamers and social media users from childhood to young adulthood. You’ll learn what it is like for kids to grow up in a world where school experiences, family life, and friendships are all shaped by digital connection—and how you can share your own lifetime of social wisdom to mentor your children in their digital world.

Audience: K-12 parents, teachers, and other caretakers

Admission: Free


For more information go to

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series events are sponsored by the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

Coach Ken Soccer is coming back to Gardner Bullis!!!

Join us Wednesdays, 3-4 pm, Jan 10- Mar 7, no class Feb 21. Class is open to Pre-K -4th. Pre-care available from 2:30 pm. Kids are separated into groups of up to 10 by age and ability. Scholarships and sibling discounts available. We only have 40 spots, so grab your spot here, before they are all taken:

Did you download your Vidigami app yet?

Vidigami is an advanced photo management platform designed exclusively for schools providing teachers and families with a secure and private place to share photos of students! It is customized for your school so that the folder structure is organized by year, grades, groups, and events.

All you need to do is login using your Vidigami account (available on web and mobile) and start sharing. Lots of parents have started to share pictures already so just join the fun!

You should have received an invitation to join Vidigami by email from, if not please email gardnerbullisyearbook@gmail.comand we will resend you a link to sign up.                     

Participation in Vidigami is through invitation only. Because each Vidigami community is a private and secure network, participation requires authentication from Vidigami and the school.

Vidigami is committed to protecting information relating to you, your children, your school, your family, your friends, and everyone that makes up your community.

Calling all design and maker enthusiasts!

Start off the new year with an exciting and all NEW after-school enrichment experience for your kids brought to you by DesignX! Offering for the first time ever for this age group is Product Design – where kids will get to conceptualize their idea, plan their design and assemble a product that they are most familiar with …. a desk organizer. They will explore the product's form and function and its connection to themselves. A great accessory to keep those desk essentials organized. Kids will learn to play with a range of materials from wood to textiles – but most importantly they will bring home the priceless feeling of empowerment that they can make THEIR ideas happen!

Sign up soon to reserve your spot for the session starting Wed, Jan 17th!  

Website: DesignX Gardner Bullis ASP registration

Questions: email

Parking Lot Duty

Due to delays at the start of the solar project, temporary fencing will need to remain on site into the month of January.

Sign up HERE to volunteer to help with drop off and pickup. Thank you!

All LASD 6th Graders are invited to submit an application for the 2017 Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Challenge

What: Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship

Science and Engineering competition for middle school and high school students

Who: Students in Grade 6 only-no exceptions

Where: San Jose Convention Center

When: Thursday, March 15, 2018

Please click here for more information.

Happy New Year from LAEF!

We hope you had a wonderful break and are looking forward to a great second half of the school year. The end of 2017 brought in many contributions and we met our $30K matching gift! Special thanks to those families who made a tax-deductible gift or requested a match from their company. Stay tuned for an exciting update on our fundraising progress. In the meantime...for more information about LAEF or to donate, please go to

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents:

Cultivating Resilience from the Inside Out: Developing a Yes Brain in Children and Adolescents

Dr. Dan Siegel

Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 @ 7:00 - 9:00pm at Los Altos High School Eagle Theater

Please join us as Dr. Dan Siegel explores the nature of the changes in the developing brain and how they set the stage for childhood and adolescent mental, physical, and interpersonal well-being.  A “Yes-Brain” refers to how we can support the receptive state of brain activation within our families and schools. Childhood and adolescence are essential parts of our development and our evolution—and how we approach these stages with the positive, growth-mindset of a Yes-Brain, can cultivate resilience and well-being in youth.

To register for this free event, go to

For more information go to

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series events are sponsored by the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents:

Cultivating Resilience from the Inside Out: Developing a Yes Brain in Children and Adolescents

Dr. Dan Siegel

Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 @ 7:00 - 9:00pm at Los Altos High School Eagle Theater

Please join us as Dr. Dan Siegel explores the nature of the changes in the developing brain and how they set the stage for childhood and adolescent mental, physical, and interpersonal well-being.  A “Yes-Brain” refers to how we can support the receptive state of brain activation within our families and schools. Childhood and adolescence are essential parts of our development and our evolution—and how we approach these stages with the positive, growth-mindset of a Yes-Brain, can cultivate resilience and well-being in youth.

To register for this free event, go to

For more information go to

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series events are sponsored by the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

Coach Ken Soccer is coming back to Gardner Bullis!!!

Join us Wednesdays, 3-4 pm, Jan 10- Mar 7, no class Feb 21. Class is open to Pre-K -4th. Pre-care available from 2:30 pm. Kids are separated into groups of up to 10 by age and ability. Scholarships and sibling discounts available. We only have 40 spots, so grab your spot here, before they are all taken:

Hello BookQuest Families,

The deadline for submitting completed book kits is Friday, Jan. 5, 2017! Hope you're enjoying the process! If you have a twitter account and want to tweet some pictures of works in progress, that would be great. Or forward your pictures to gbbookquest@gmail.comand we will post the pictures on the BookQuest twitter account. And please email if you have any questions! Happy Writing and Happy New Year!

Anna Kermani & Elaine Wang

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series presents:

Cultivating Resilience from the Inside Out: Developing a Yes Brain in Children and Adolescents

Dr. Dan Siegel

Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 @ 7:00 - 9:00pm at Los Altos High School Eagle Theater

Please join us as Dr. Dan Siegel explores the nature of the changes in the developing brain and how they set the stage for childhood and adolescent mental, physical, and interpersonal well-being.  A “Yes-Brain” refers to how we can support the receptive state of brain activation within our families and schools. Childhood and adolescence are essential parts of our development and our evolution—and how we approach these stages with the positive, growth-mindset of a Yes-Brain, can cultivate resilience and well-being in youth.

To register for this free event, go to

For more information go to

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series events are sponsored by the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF), MVLA High School Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), and Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.

Parking Lot Duty

The parking lot is closed until Wednesday, December 27th.

To ensure the safety of students getting in and out of cars during this time, each grade is assigned one week of parking lot duty both before and after school, according to the schedule below.

Parent volunteers are asked to put on orange vests found on the sidewalk along the drop-off/pick-up lane, and to assist children in safely getting in and out of the cars.  The time commitment is small: 8:10-8:30AM, 2:40-3:20PM or 1:25-2:05 on early release Thursdays.

Parking lot sign-up sheet.

6th Grade - 12/11 - 12/15

Student Council Second Harvest Food Bank Drive

Join Gardner Student Council in the fight against local hunger. Every $1 or 2.4 pounds you donate creates 2 meals. Bring non-perishable food items to our barrels located all around school or donate online Every little bit counts!

Non-perishable ideas:

*Canned tuna, chicken or salmon

*Peanut butter

*Meals in a can (soup, stew, chili)

*Low-sodium canned vegetables

*Canned fruit in its own juice or water

*Olive or canola oil

*Spices (cinnamon, chili powder, cumin, salt-free spice blends)

*Canned foods with pop-top lids

*Low-sugar whole grain cereals

*Healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)

Please avoid items packed in glass. No candy or sugar-sweetened drinks.

Thank you for your support!

Season’s Readings… Chill out With a Good Book!

Season’s Readings… Chill Out With A Good Book! at the Gardner Bullis Elementary School 2017 Book Fair December 12th -15th.  Please join us for these events:

Tuesday: Students visit during the school day & make wish lists with class.  Opening afternoon:  2:15 - 3:45.

Wednesday:  Give Back Day!  Students will have an opportunity to purchase books to donate for families in need.  Also, Party in the Snow with Mrs. O! 6 - 8:00 pm. Treats will be provided.

Thursday:  Raffle Day!  All those purchasing books will receive one raffle ticket and the chance to win prizes!

Friday: Book-talk with Freya Hooper of, after morning assembly. Come hear about engaging reluctant readers, new titles from early readers to young adult.

Book Fair Hours: Wednesday & Friday: 8:00-9:30 am, 11:30am-1:00 pm, 2:15-3:45 pm. Thursday: 8:00-9:30 am, 11:30am-1:00 pm, 1:45 - 3:15 pm.  Additional times noted above.

Volunteers Needed!  Go to 2017 Gardner Bullis Book Fair!

*Please bring your own bag.*

GB Boutique is tomorrow!!

Our Annual GB Boutique is coming on Monday December 11 from 2-4:30pm.  All Grizzlies, Parents, Family and Friends are invited to shop our unique boutique!  We have over 15 vendors this year, many of them GB parents!  They are offering a variety of holiday gift items including: Safer and healthier beauty products by BeautyCounter, Clothes and Accessories from Gitane, Jewelry by Threads Worldwide, Olive Oil from Hidden Villa and Jams by Jam for Good, as well as paper sculptures and gift boxes, books, children's clothing, cookies and treats and a chance to buy Gardner Wear for that special Grizzly. Please join us in the Multi for some holiday cheer while you shop and support our school.  10% of the proceeds will go to our PTA.  Hope to see you there!!


Annie Schmidt

Gardner Boutique Chair

Attention 6th Grade Students and Parents!

All LASD 6th Graders are invited to submit an application for the 2017 Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Challenge

What: Synopsis Silicon Valley Science & Technology Championship

Science and Engineering competition for middle school and high school students

Who: Students in Grade 6 only-no exceptions

Where: San Jose Convention Center

When: Thursday, March 15, 2018

Please click here for more information.

LASD | iLearn | (650) 947-1150 | 201 Covington Rd

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