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ATTENDANCE #: 650-559-3232

PLEASE CALL ATTENDANCE LINE 24/7 for student’s missing school due to illness, appointment, and trips.

Regular school attendance is one of the most critical factors in a child’s success in school and is one of the hallmarks of an effective school. Please support the efforts of Gardner Bullis staff to provide your child with the best possible education by having your child at school and on time daily. Excused absences are granted for medical or dental appointments, illness, and religious holidays only. PLEASE bring a note from the medical provider upon your child’s arrival back at school, that your student was seen in their office.

Excused Absences for Religious Holidays

Just an annual reminder that observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113). 

SELFY – Social Emotional Learning at Lunch

We have created this lunch program to take Project Cornerstone, Second Step, and the new LCAP goals to a new implementation level outside the structured classroom. Currently students are learning social and emotional competencies and skills in the classroom. This program is designed to facilitate their reinforcement and generalization during the unstructured times of day when children often interact.

If you'd like to help out and donate games to this cause you can either make check out to Gardner Bullis PTA, bring to the office and put in the Field Day box. Or you can purchase a game yourself - just ask kids what they like (assuming it's appropriate) and bring it to Gardner. Please give to office and label as SELFY lunch program.

We will have a training for SELFY if you are volunteering. It is Sept 27th from 3:15-4:15 at Gardner.

If you'd like to volunteer please sign up here. It will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays 12-12:45pm beginning Oct 2nd.

-Amanda Boschken

Reminder: Fill out the PTA Back to School Forms!

Please complete the PTA Back to School Forms, which we ask every family to submit to help the PTA prepare for the school year. In the forms you will find out about how to join the PTA, school volunteer opportunities, ordering Gardner Spirit Wear, joining the Library Birthday Book club, school directories, school supplies, field trips, and more.

WOW! Walk or Wheel

One of the BEST things about going to Gardner Bullis, is the stunning scenery and amazing footpaths that surround our unique school campus.

If you think you could try to WALK to school, or jump on your BIKES, or even CARPOOL, then the WOW program will reward you for your efforts.

Every month, GB kids can fill in a very simple form – just click ‘Trip Trackers’ on the website – and say how they got to school.

Forms are handed in to the office and for each and every 50 trips you make, you get a prize AND you will be recognized at Friday assembly.

Do more than 250 trips in a year? Then big prizes are awarded in May.

Do something for yourself, your health or simply the planet and give WOW a try.

Hot Lunch volunteers needed!!

Even tough hot lunch is not at risk of being canceled, we still need volunteers for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We only need four people! We can have grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. The current volunteers have been working extra hours to cover these spots so our children can have a hot meal everyday. Did you know you even get credits on your Pasta Market account for those hours that you served lunch? Contact Camilla at

Volunteer positions available

Whether you’re new or returning to Gardner, the PTA could use your help in filling open positions like Gardner Wear, Hospitality, Walk or Wheel and Staff Appreciation (just to name a few). You can also help on a committee such as Walk-a-Thon, Junior Olympics, or Auction.

If interested in anything or have specific questions about a position, contact Stephanie Dauer.

Update from After School Programs

The complete After School Programs schedule at Gardner Bullis is posted to the website. Please take a moment to look at the wonderful classes offered

Pilates After School

We understand first two weeks of school is super busy and kids' schedules are just starting to settle in. Therefore, we are moving Fall Session dates out by 1 week to allow more time for registration. Pilates After School will start next Thursday, Sept 14.

We just need 3 more kids to get a great class going at Gardner Bullis. If your child is interested, encourage them to grab a friend and register today!

To register, go to and select Gardner Bullis School

Solar Installation Project Meeting

The district is installing solar shade structures at each of its schools. The structures will be installed in school parking lots. Construction will begin September 18th and continue for 8 - 10 weeks. The parking lot will be CLOSED.

Installing the solar structures will enable us to save hundreds of thousands of dollars each year and reduce our carbon footprint, equivalent to 3.5 million pounds of CO2 annually.

Please refer to the Solar Project on the district website for updated communications and information.

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

It's time to harvest seeds from heirloom tomatoes, plant our winter wheat and veggies, search the schoolyard for animal homes, and learning about Native California Indian uses of plants!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent! Living Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District. No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! Our Fall Docent Training will take place on Monday mornings from 9am-Noon from Sep. 11th – Oct. 16th (please see our Fall training flyer for locations).

Want to learn more about our program?  Please consider attending one of our upcoming Informational Meetings from 10-11am on Monday 8/28 at the Los Altos School District iLearn Studio, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos and/or visit our website at

Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103

Los Altos Art Docents are looking for new volunteers to join us!

Our training sessions run from September through mid-April. You may still join our group of trainees this year, and are welcome to come to the September 6th and/or September13th training session to see what it's all about!

Location: iLearn Studio, located at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos.

Time: Wednesday mornings, 8:45am-11:30am

If you would like more information, please contact the Art Docent

office at (650) 947-1195 or, or see our website at

LAEF • P.O. Box 98 • Los Altos, CA 94023 • Phone: (650) 559-0445

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is excited to announce our speaker line-up for the 2017-2018 school year. Seven nationally and internationally recognized experts will join us to discuss a wide range of topics including demystifying today’s college application process; nurturing deeper, more connected relationships with our kids; fostering greater understanding and compassion for individual differences in our racially and culturally diverse community; exploring adolescent brain development; raising digital natives; understanding challenges impacting boys today; and preparing our kids for the transition into adulthood. For more information go to

Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College

Sally Springer, Ph. D.

September 28, 2017 @ 7:00pm at Mountain View High School Spartan Theatre

Join us as Sally Springer demystifies todays college application process and shares sensible, real-world advice for students and parents addressing such topics as building a college list; understanding standardized tests; crafting a great application; finding a good fit; and obtaining financial aid.

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is excited to announce our speaker line-up for the 2017-2018 school year. Seven nationally and internationally recognized experts will join us to discuss a wide range of topics including demystifying today’s college application process; nurturing deeper, more connected relationships with our kids; fostering greater understanding and compassion for individual differences in our racially and culturally diverse community; exploring adolescent brain development; raising digital natives; understanding challenges impacting boys today; and preparing our kids for the transition into adulthood. For more information go to

Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College

Sally Springer, Ph. D.

September 28, 2017 @ 7:00pm at Mountain View High School Spartan Theatre

Join us as Sally Springer demystifies todays college application process and shares sensible, real-world advice for students and parents addressing such topics as building a college list; understanding standardized tests; crafting a great application; finding a good fit; and obtaining financial aid.


Hidden Villa has two fun events coming up in September:

Our Annual Gathering 9/16 4-7pm

Come celebrate Hidden Villa with friends old and new! Taste our mission as you explore food stations that feature our meat, eggs, and veggies, judge our tomatoes and select the varieties we plant next summer, and bid at the unique silent auction that supports scholarships to Hidden Villa. A heartfelt thank you to Chef Mo L'Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, for the culinary artistry and to the Biodegrading Jazzmen, you may remember them from past Duveneck Dinners, for their musical stylings and ambiance.

To register:

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm 9/23 4-7pm

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm: A Country Dance is a family fundraiser that includes a tasty farm supper created by Chef Mo L’Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, a unique silent auction, and music and dancing with caller Andy Wilson and his band. Proceeds provide our neighbors at the Community Services Agency of Mountain View with fresh Hidden Villa produce. Come dressed for farm fun with family and friends!

To register:

Hidden Villa has two fun events coming up in September:

Our Annual Gathering 9/16 4-7pm

Come celebrate Hidden Villa with friends old and new! Taste our mission as you explore food stations that feature our meat, eggs, and veggies, judge our tomatoes and select the varieties we plant next summer, and bid at the unique silent auction that supports scholarships to Hidden Villa. A heartfelt thank you to Chef Mo L'Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, for the culinary artistry and to the Biodegrading Jazzmen, you may remember them from past Duveneck Dinners, for their musical stylings and ambiance.

To register:

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm 9/23 4-7pm

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm: A Country Dance is a family fundraiser that includes a tasty farm supper created by Chef Mo L’Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, a unique silent auction, and music and dancing with caller Andy Wilson and his band. Proceeds provide our neighbors at the Community Services Agency of Mountain View with fresh Hidden Villa produce. Come dressed for farm fun with family and friends!

To register:


ATTENDANCE #: 650-559-3232

PLEASE CALL ATTENDANCE LINE 24/7 for student’s missing school due to illness, appointment, and trips.

Regular school attendance is one of the most critical factors in a child’s success in school and is one of the hallmarks of an effective school. Please support the efforts of Gardner Bullis staff to provide your child with the best possible education by having your child at school and on time daily. Excused absences are granted for medical or dental appointments, illness, and religious holidays only. PLEASE bring a note from the medical provider upon your child’s arrival back at school, that your student was seen in their office.

Excused Absences for Religious Holidays

Just an annual reminder that observed religious holidays are considered excused absences as long as the absence has been requested in advance in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or designee (E.C. 48205, B.P. 5113). 

Reminder: Fill out the PTA Back to School Forms!

Please complete the PTA Back to School Forms, which we ask every family to submit to help the PTA prepare for the school year. In the forms you will find out about how to join the PTA, school volunteer opportunities, ordering Gardner Spirit Wear, joining the Library Birthday Book club, school directories, school supplies, field trips, and more.

WOW! Walk or Wheel

One of the BEST things about going to Gardner Bullis, is the stunning scenery and amazing footpaths that surround our unique school campus.

If you think you could try to WALK to school, or jump on your BIKES, or even CARPOOL, then the WOW program will reward you for your efforts.

Every month, GB kids can fill in a very simple form – just click ‘Trip Trackers’ on the website – and say how they got to school.

Forms are handed in to the office and for each and every 50 trips you make, you get a prize AND you will be recognized at Friday assembly.

Do more than 250 trips in a year? Then big prizes are awarded in May.

Do something for yourself, your health or simply the planet and give WOW a try.

Hot Lunch volunteers needed!!

The hot lunch team desperately needs more volunteers!  If your child loves pizza on Friday, or if YOU love not having to pack lunches, please be aware that the GB hot lunch program is in danger of being eliminated because we do not have enough parents to staff it.

Volunteer with friends! We are in need of the following:

1) 3 volunteers for every other Tuesday

2) 1 volunteer for every other Wednesday

3) 1 volunteer for every other Thursday

4) 2 volunteers for every other Friday

Please contact Camilla ( to help ensure our lunch program can continue.

 Thank you Grizzly Parents,

-GB Lunch Team

Volunteer positions available

Whether you’re new or returning to Gardner, the PTA could use your help in filling open positions like Gardner Wear, Hospitality, Walk or Wheel and Staff Appreciation (just to name a few). You can also help on a committee such as Walk-a-Thon, Junior Olympics, or Auction.

If interested in anything or have specific questions about a position, contact Stephanie Dauer.

Update from After School Programs

The complete After School Programs schedule at Gardner Bullis is posted to the website. Please take a moment to look at the wonderful classes offered

Livingspanish after school program is still accepting students for kinder, 1-2 grade and 3-6 grade classes. Our Spanish after school lessons are filled with music, stories, games, crafts, movement, repetition, and a lot of fun! Conversationally focused, creative, interactive, and super effective!

Starting date: Thursday, Sept 7th(all classes are on Thursdays

Time: Kinder: 1:15 pm -2:15 pm

                      1-2nd grade: 1:25 - 2:15 pm

                      3-6th grade: 2:50 - 3:50 pm

Location:  Classroom 11

Pilates After School is coming to Gardner Bullis this Fall! First class is next Thursday (Sept 7)! Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment with respect to gravity, Pilates moves and lots of fun movement games in our class. Each class wraps up with a short meditation, allowing students to calm and sense their body in space. Please see testimonials here.

Dates: Thursdays (early release day) Sept 7 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 19, minimum day)

Time: 1:45-2:45pm (Grades 1-2 students will be supervised 1:25-1:45pm)

Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)

Please go to register.

We need at least 5 kiddos to run a fun and engaging class. We're excited to get a good class going at Gardner Bullis this Fall! Hope to see your child in our class.

Reminder: Fill out the PTA Back to School Forms!

Please complete the PTA Back to School Forms, which we ask every family to submit to help the PTA prepare for the school year. In the forms you will find out about how to join the PTA, school volunteer opportunities, ordering Gardner Spirit Wear, joining the Library Birthday Book club, school directories, school supplies, field trips, and more.

WOW! Walk or Wheel

One of the BEST things about going to Gardner Bullis, is the stunning scenery and amazing footpaths that surround our unique school campus.

If you think you could try to WALK to school, or jump on your BIKES, or even CARPOOL, then the WOW program will reward you for your efforts.

Every month, GB kids can fill in a very simple form – just click ‘Trip Trackers’ on the website – and say how they got to school.

Forms are handed in to the office and for each and every 50 trips you make, you get a prize AND you will be recognized at Friday assembly.

Do more than 250 trips in a year? Then big prizes are awarded in May.

Do something for yourself, your health or simply the planet and give WOW a try.

Hot Lunch volunteers needed!!

The hot lunch team desperately needs more volunteers!  If your child loves pizza on Friday, or if YOU love not having to pack lunches, please be aware that the GB hot lunch program is in danger of being eliminated because we do not have enough parents to staff it.

Volunteer with friends! We are in need of the following:

1) 3 volunteers for every other Tuesday

2) 1 volunteer for every other Wednesday

3) 1 volunteer for every other Thursday

4) 2 volunteers for every other Friday

Please contact Camilla ( to help ensure our lunch program can continue.

 Thank you Grizzly Parents,

-GB Lunch Team

Volunteer positions available

Whether you’re new or returning to Gardner, the PTA could use your help in filling open positions like Gardner Wear, Hospitality, Walk or Wheel and Staff Appreciation (just to name a few). You can also help on a committee such as Walk-a-Thon, Junior Olympics, or Auction.

If interested in anything or have specific questions about a position, contact Stephanie Dauer.

Update from After School Programs

The complete After School Programs schedule at Gardner Bullis is posted to the website. Please take a moment to look at the wonderful classes offered

Livingspanish after school program is still accepting students for kinder, 1-2 grade and 3-6 grade classes. Our Spanish after school lessons are filled with music, stories, games, crafts, movement, repetition, and a lot of fun! Conversationally focused, creative, interactive, and super effective!

Starting date: Thursday, Sept 7th(all classes are on Thursdays

Time: Kinder: 1:15 pm -2:15 pm

                      1-2nd grade: 1:25 - 2:15 pm

                      3-6th grade: 2:50 - 3:50 pm

Location:  Classroom 11

Pilates After School is coming to Gardner Bullis this Fall! First class is next Thursday (Sept 7)! Kids learn basic anatomy, body alignment with respect to gravity, Pilates moves and lots of fun movement games in our class. Each class wraps up with a short meditation, allowing students to calm and sense their body in space. Please see testimonials here.

Dates: Thursdays (early release day) Sept 7 - Nov 16 (no class Oct 19, minimum day)

Time: 1:45-2:45pm (Grades 1-2 students will be supervised 1:25-1:45pm)

Price: $325 (includes healthy snacks, mat use, course materials, and t-shirt)

Please go to register.

We need at least 5 kiddos to run a fun and engaging class. We're excited to get a good class going at Gardner Bullis this Fall! Hope to see your child in our class.

Solar Installation Project Meeting

The district is installing solar shade structures at each of its schools. The structures will be installed in school parking lots. Construction will begin September 18th and continue for 8 - 10 weeks. The parking lot will be CLOSED.

Installing the solar structures will enable us to save hundreds of thousands of dollars each year and reduce our carbon footprint, equivalent to 3.5 million pounds of CO2 annually.

Please refer to the Solar Project on the district website for updated communications and information.

Become a LIVING CLASSROOM docent... share your love of nature with kids!

It's time to harvest seeds from heirloom tomatoes, plant our winter wheat and veggies, search the schoolyard for animal homes, and learning about Native California Indian uses of plants!  If you like all those things and more, please consider becoming a Living Classroom docent! Living Classroom is looking for docents to help deliver hands-on garden-based lessons to the students of the Los Altos School District. No experience necessary as we provide all the training needed! Our Fall Docent Training will take place on Monday mornings from 9am-Noon from Sep. 11th – Oct. 16th (please see our Fall training flyer for locations).

Want to learn more about our program?  Please consider attending one of our upcoming Informational Meetings from 10-11am on Monday 8/28 at the Los Altos School District iLearn Studio, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos and/or visit our website at

Questions? Email us at or call (650) 947-1103

MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series

The MVLA Parent Education Speaker Series is excited to announce our speaker line-up for the 2017-2018 school year. Seven nationally and internationally recognized experts will join us to discuss a wide range of topics including demystifying today’s college application process; nurturing deeper, more connected relationships with our kids; fostering greater understanding and compassion for individual differences in our racially and culturally diverse community; exploring adolescent brain development; raising digital natives; understanding challenges impacting boys today; and preparing our kids for the transition into adulthood. For more information go to

Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College

Sally Springer, Ph. D.

September 28, 2017 @ 7:00pm at Mountain View High School Spartan Theatre

Join us as Sally Springer demystifies today's college application process and shares sensible, real-world advice for students and parents addressing such topics as building a college list; understanding standardized tests; crafting a great application; finding a good fit; and obtaining financial aid.

Hidden Villa has two fun events coming up in September:

Our Annual Gathering 9/16 4-7pm

Come celebrate Hidden Villa with friends old and new! Taste our mission as you explore food stations that feature our meat, eggs, and veggies, judge our tomatoes and select the varieties we plant next summer, and bid at the unique silent auction that supports scholarships to Hidden Villa. A heartfelt thank you to Chef Mo L'Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, for the culinary artistry and to the Biodegrading Jazzmen, you may remember them from past Duveneck Dinners, for their musical stylings and ambiance.

To register:

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm 9/23 4-7pm

Fiddles & Fun on the Farm: A Country Dance is a family fundraiser that includes a tasty farm supper created by Chef Mo L’Esperance, Executive Chef of the Lodge at Tiburon, formerly of Costanoa Resort, a unique silent auction, and music and dancing with caller Andy Wilson and his band. Proceeds provide our neighbors at the Community Services Agency of Mountain View with fresh Hidden Villa produce. Come dressed for farm fun with family and friends!

To register:

Los Altos Wine Walk

Saturday September 6 from 2pm – 6pm For more info go to

New Bell Schedule!

Line up bell at 8:27am

All grades start at 8:30am

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays Dismissal Times

Kinder Aug 16-Sept 812:00pm

Kinder beginning Sept 112:30pm

Grades 1 and 2 – 2:40pm

Grades 3 to 6 – 3:00pm

Early Release Thursdays

Kinder after Sept 111:15pm

Grades 1 and 2 – 1:25pm

Grades 3 to 6 – 1:45pm

Join Cub Scouts Pack 78!

New Parent Information Meeting - Tues. 8/29 6:30 - 7:30 - GB Multi Purpose Room

First Pack Meeting - Weds. 9/6 at 6:45 pm GB Multi Purpose Room

Pack 78 is committed to providing valuable sports, academic, outdoor learning and self-esteem building opportunities for our young (K - 5th grade) boys throughout the entire school year using a program of "core values."  One of the best things about Cub Scouting is the activities, such as camping, include the entire family - parents, siblings, grandparents and extended family.  It's fun for everyone! 

For more information please contact:

Gary Green (, or;

Felix Davis ( directly for more information on registering, or; visit our website at to join!

An information brochure will also be available at the school office on or after August 24th.

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