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September 03, 2017
Hello Gardner Bullis, Thank you everyone who attended our Back to School  Night on Thursday.  It was nice to see our community  together visiting classrooms.  Also, thank you to the staff  and teachers who prepared classroom presentations for  the parents to enjoy.  It was a very successful evening.  Character Trait of the MonthLast month we focused on what it means to show empathy and this month we will focus on caring. Caring Video (for younger stud...

August 28, 2017
Hello Gardner Families, This week students have been settling into their classroom routines and becoming familiar with their new grade level.  We even had our first fire drill that was successful, but our goal is to be faster exiting the buildings next time.  As a school community, we are learning our new school-wide rules: Grizzlies are Kind, Safe, Respectful, and Do their Best and talking about our character trait of the month.  Our character trait for the month of August is Emp...

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