Hello Gardner Bullis Community,Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! I am busting at the seams waiting with anticipation to see our students again on Wednesday the 21st! Actually, we all are! I look forward to hearing about their stories of summer and measuring with my eyes how much they’ve grown. I also cannot wait to share with the students my own summer story of when “Goldilocks”-the local Brown Bear came onto the porch of a cabin my family was renting and gave our dog, Millie...
Hello Gardner Bullis Community,Our Friday Field Day was a total BLAST and a rainbow of colors as the children participate in all of those field activities. So many parents mentioned to me that Field Day is their child’s favorite day of the year or that the family counts down to Field Day and NOT the last day of school. J Of course, it would not be possible without Steve L., Dan B, Sean W, and Mr. Ortman. Those three dads and our very own PE teacher/Coa...